Chapter 3

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That's Danny's sister that was just reaped. I saw the weak frame of Estelle walking through the crowds. Danny choked back a sob.

Isis beckoned for Estelle, "Come now, don't be shy."

Estelle was trying to be brave but her eyes were at the brink of tears.

"Any Volunteers?" Isis chirps.

"I volunteer as tribute!"

A girl stepped out from the sixteen year old line. She had long dark flowing hair with sea blue eyes and a smile of relief on her face. I heard Danny breath a sigh of relief behind me and Estelle quickly ran off the stage into her mother's arms.

"A Volunteer!" Isis squeaked, "How exciting! What is your name?"

The girl spoke up, "My name is Star Reed."

An angry voice yelled from the croud, "You were not supposed to volunteer, I was!"

I saw the body the voice from the eighteen year old line. She was tall with a muscular from, she was obviously supposed to be in the games instead of Star.

Voices started to join in, "Get out of here,"

"I hope you die."

"You bring shame to us."

"Quiet, Quiet!" Yelled Isis, "Now for the boys."

She walked quickly over to the bowl of names for the boys and reached in.

"Thigby Brunstine!"

A thin little boy walked out of the twelve year old line. I knew right away he would die in the first minute of the games.

"No!" Said a voice from the back.

It must have been the parent. "Please somebody volunteer! Please.

A gruff voice came from the back, "No boys were ready for the games there is no volunteers." That was my old trainer Alec.

The thin boy stepped up the stage and I made a decision that would change my life. This boy didn't deserve to die, I did, my parents didn't love me.

"I volunteer as tribute!"


It was very short but I got it out. The chapters will be much longer from now on. I just need to get a chapter out. Thank you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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