Chapter One

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Just a little something to lighten up the mood 😀😁

No One's P.O.V

Amelia King was in her bedroom. Her husband was at her side and her doctor was checking her results. “And?” Victor asked the doctor. The doctor sighed. “I'm sorry Mrs King, there hasn't been any improvement” He said. She nodded. “Doctor, can you give us a moment please?” She asked. He nodded and left. “He's wrong, he just has to be wrong, I'll get a second opinion” Victor said. “Victor-” Amelia started only to be cut off by Victor. “No Amelia, no he's wrong okay, he's wrong” Victor said. Amelia cupped his face with her hands. “Victor, I need my children, until I see my children I will not get better, please Victor, will you bring my children to see me?” She asked her husband with tears streaming down her face. He nodded. “I will do anything for you” He said.

Two Weeks Later

Victor was in his office when there was a knock at the door. “Come in” He said. Jeremy walked in. “Ah Jeremy, did you find them?” Victor asked. “I did, it was hard but I found them, Jake King, your oldest, his married to Dr. Bianca King, has three children by the names of Amelia, Vincent and Victor, he owns a very successful sports equipment company” Jeremy said handing Victor the file which contained information about Jake. Victor looked through the file and smiled. “And Alex and Emily?” Victor asked. “Alex King, he's still not married but he is also very successful, He owns a chain of successful bars and clubs, he is what is known as a playboy” Jeremy said handing Victor the file. Victor looked through it and smiled. “That sounds right” He said. “And finally Cassidy King, not married but she has been in a lot of relationships with both men and women, she works as a bartender in strip club and has been arrested twice for assault and battery, for customers that got handsy with a few of the girl's that worked in the club and most recently she got arrested for the attempted murder of the ex husband of her ex girlfriend but the charges were dropped when it was revealed that she was only defending herself, Cassie lives with Alex but they've had very little contact with Jake in the past five years” Jeremy said handing Victor the last file. Victor sighed. This is all my fault he thought. If he had been a better father his children would never have left and they would be a family. But no, he let his massive ego and hunger for power get in the way. He let his daughters rapist walk free and because of that Jake took Cassie and left. Victor cleared his throat. “Send me their addresses please, thank you Jeremy” Victor said. Jeremy nodded. As soon as Jeremy was far enough away from the office he took out his phone and called his sister. After three rings she answered. “Jeremy, what's wrong?” Julie asked
“I think I know how we can take down the Kingdom” He said
“What do you mean, do you have him on record or did he do something illegal?” She asked
“No, but I have something else that your editor won't be able to turn down” He said
“Okay I'm listening”
“Mr King's children”

Three Days Later

Jake King was in his office. Jake King's office was the perfect office for him. It had all of his work accomplishments and a lot of family pictures. He's children's soccer games, dance recitals, he's wedding day pictures, his wife's pictures and the last picture he took with his parents and siblings. As much as Jake hated to admit it, he didn't spend enough time with his wife and children. Amelia was now 10 and was a ballerina princess who also loved figure skating and gymnastics (she reminded him of his mother) and the twins (Victor and Vincent) were 8 and stars on the soccer field. Despite the fact that his relationship with his father wasn't the best, he still named his son after him. Because, at the end of the day, Victor King was still his father. He was snapped out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. He cleared his throat and answered it.
“Yes Jean” He said
“Mr King, there is a man here that would like to see you” She said
“Does he have an appointment?”
“No sir, but he refuses to leave without seeing you, he says his your father” She said. That shocked Jake.
“Okay send him in”
“Yes sir” Jean said. He ended the call. When the door opened he was expecting to see some random person or some journalist looking for a quick interview. But no, when the door opened there he stood in all his glory. Victor King. “You may go Jean” Jake said. Jean nodded and left. Victor King sat down. “What are you doing here?” Jake asked. Victor sighed. “It's your mother Victor, she's sick and she's asking for you to be she says she'll only fight and get better when she has her children with her” Victor said. “Do Cass and Alex know?” Jake asked. Victor shook his head. “Not yet, I was hoping you'd tell them and convince them to come” Victor said. Jake nodded. “I'm seeing them tonight, we'll be there tomorrow” Jake said. “Thank you Victor, this-” Jake cut his father off. “Don't thank me, I'm not doing this for you” Jake said. Victor nodded. “Of course, I'll see you tomorrow” He said.

That night

Jake hardly ever saw his siblings anymore. But every once in a while, his kids would ask for their aunt and uncle and they would come running. Jake didn't like the decisions that his sister had made or the fact that his brother and wife allowed them but he loved the fact that she would drop all her plans for family. So that night he waited for Bianca and Cassie to put the kids to bed. They came into the lounge and sat down. It was now or never. “Dad came to see me today” He said. “What?” Bianca asked him. “Our father came to my office today, he wanted me to ask something very big of all of you” He said. “Of course, how typical of Victor King, he doesn't see his children for 11 years and when he does finally make contact he wants something” Cass said. “So what did he want?” Alex asked as Bianca pulled Cassie into him. “Mom's sick, she's basically given up, she says she'll only get better if she has all of us around her” Jake said. “I'll get the kids packed” Bianca said after a while. “Yeah, when do we leave?” Cass asked. And just like that the King siblings went back to a place they never thought that they would ever return to. Their plan was to go, spend time with their mother and then return to their lives. But they weren't prepared for what this trip back home would reveal.

A/N and thoughts so far? Lmk, also Alexandra Daddario as Julie Thomas, simply because it's easier to pick his actual sister than it is to look for another actress anyway lmk what you guys think so far, please I'm begging you

THE KINGDOM o.h Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora