Ten Years Ago

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Pic is Cassie's dress

No One's P.O.V

The King Family were celebrating. Well, their father was. In two years, Cassidy King would marry Michael Blair. A boy two years older who was also the son and heir of millionaire business man, Jonathan Blair. When Cassidy and Michael got married, the King and Blair empire's would merge and create a massive business empire. But, as usual, Victor King was oblivious to the fact that his daughter didn't want to marry Michael. She wanted to go to college and become a teacher. Right now she was in one of her favourite dresses with a fake smile on her face, pretending to be happy. “Really Cassidy, could you not dress better, this is your engagement party after all” Victor whispered to his 1-6 year-old daughter. She roll her eyes. “Victor, you wanted her here, she's here now stop whining here comes more guests” Amelia said. Amelia King was also not happy about this situation. She wanted here daughter to marry for love not money. “Well this party is a bust, I say we ditch it” Alex said. “Why, so that dad can come find us and ruin our fun?” Cassie asked. “We can always ask either mom or Jake to cover for us” Jake said. Cassie laughed lightly. “It may have escaped your notice but Jake is over there with Bianca trying to act like their not drunk” She said. Jake snorted. “Yeah, because it's so not obvious that their drinking vodka” He said. The two siblings laughed. “What are you two laughing at?” Amelia asked her two children. “The fact that this is an engagement party for an underage girl and now one is calling the cops” Jake said and Cassie laughed. Amelia rolled her eyes but it was obvious that she wanted to laugh. “Anyway, Cassie, can you please go and get the gift I bought for Michael's mom and Alex honey, go and take the vodka from Jake and Bianca before your father catches them” Amelia said. Cassie snorted and ran upstairs. She was well aware that there was a lot of people in the house, but she still wasn't expecting what happened to her. She had just gotten the gift when someone else walked into her parents room and locked the door. “Michael, what are you doing in here?” She asked. “I wanted to see my fiancé is that a problem?” He slurred. “Michael, are you drunk?” She asked. “What no, I'm not drunk, just a little tipsy” He said. “Yeah and I'm the Mona Lisa, move out of my way” She said trying to push past him. But he grabbed her arm. “Michael-” She was cut off by her own squeal of surprise when he pushed her onto the bed. He got on top of her and started kissing her. “Michael stop, Michael please” She said but he didn't listen.

Ten minutes later

Michael went back down and acted as if nothing had happened. Amelia was worried. “Alex, have you seen your sister?” She asked. He shook his head. “Let's go check upstairs” He said. Amelia nodded and followed him upstairs. They found Cassie on the floor crying. “Cassie, honey what happened?” Amelia asked. “M-M-Michael, h-h-he came into the room and, I-I-I tried to stop him, I swear mom, I tried” Cassie said in between tears. Amelia blood ran cold. “Cassie, what happened?” Amelia asked. Cassie didn't answer. Instead she leapt into her mother's arm's and broke into sobs. “I'm going to kill him” Alex said. “No, Alex don't cause a scene, get your father and tell everyone that the party's over, I'm taking your sister to the hospital” Amelia said. “But mom he-” Amelia cut Alex off. “Alex just do as I said,please for your sister's sake” She said that Alex looked at his crying sister and nodded. He ran down. “Come on sweetie, lets go” Amelia said helping her daughter up. She took Cassie out the back way and took her own car. Inside the house Alex got rid of all the guests. “Alex what's going on?” Bianca asked. “Michael raped Cass” He said. “What?!” She exclaimed. “Look, just stay with Jake and make sure he doesn't find out, we don't need him getting arrested for murder” Alex said. And despite what her conscious was telling her, she nodded. With great struggle, she managed to get Jake up to his room. “Shits about to go down” She said with a sigh. Downstairs, Alex couldn't find his father so he decided to check in the office. In the office he found his father with Michael and Jonathan and he lost his temper. He leapt across the room and started punching Michael. “Jake, Jake what are you doing?!” Victor asked/screamed. “He raped Cassie, now I'm gonna kill him!” Alex shouted. His father shoved him back. “No, go be with your sister, I'll handle them” Victor said. “But dad-” Victor cut him off. “Go” He said.

Two Months Later

Michael was never arrested and Jake was never told. Instead the wedding was called off and everything was kept quiet. “Are you two all packed?” Jake asked. Cassie and Alex nodded. “Alright let's go” He said. The three siblings took Their bags and went down. “What's all this?” Victor asked. “We're leaving” Jake simply said. Victor laughed. “No, I'm serious, where are you three going?” He asked. “We are serious, we're sick of you and you're hunger for power, we're leaving and don't want anything to do with you and your money” Alex said. Amelia stood up and grabbed Jake's face in her hands. “Jake will you really leave, will you leave your mother?” She asked. “Mama, please, just let us go” Cassie said taking her mother's hands away from Jake's face. Amelia had tears in her eyes. “Please don't leave me” She said. The children took their bags. “Goodbye ma, Victor see you never” Jake said. And was the last time that Amelia ever saw her children again... Or was it?

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