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thank you for all the reads and votes! i appreciate all of them :)


"Snart! I mean sir!" I called out to him after returning from the mission known formerly as Danton Black, known currently as dead man. Snart looked up and said,
"Welcome back. Seems like you took quite a beating. How are you doing now?"
"I'm just peachy, thank you," I replied sarcastically. If he picked up on it, he showed no sign of doing so.
"Well, I have nothing else for you, so you're free to go home."
"Cool. Thanks boss."

I decided to walk around the city. It was nearing 11 o'clock, and Central City was just waking up. I know, strolling around the city at this time of night might not have been the brightest idea for a normal girl, but I would be fine. I could just drain them anyway. And with what I'd gathered when encountering Danton about my powers, I could make dodgy men leave me alone without even lifting one finger.

I shoved my hands in my pockets as my fingers started to lose sensations. As I passed under one of Central City's luxury apartments, I realised how sophisticated and developed the city was. But not in my part, the Dales. It was broken, run down, everything the heart of the city wasn't. I sighed, looking up at the skyscrapers sculpting the city centre. Suddenly what looked like a streak of red flashed on top of one of the towers. I halted, staring at this unidentifiable...thing.

I realised after looking for a while that the streak was present when I was in the building with Danton Black. It also clicked that the streak was present before I was going to be dealt the final blow by one of the clones. I scratched my head; all of this was so confusing. There was only one thing that I could do. And that was to go get some answers.

I made my way into the building where the receptionist was lying sprawled on the counter. I exhaled in relief; I wouldn't have to do something to her that I would regret later. I got into the elevator and listened to the jazz coming out of its speakers, tapping my foot leisurely.

Once the doors slid open at the top floor, I ran up the nearest stairs that had the sign "ROOFTOP ACCESS" on it. I barged out the door, only to interrupt two people talking. I was about to apologise and leave, until I saw what they were wearing. I had to say, both of them looked ridiculous in full clad block-coloured costumes. One was in green, while the other was in red. They both stared at me expectantly, and I suddenly lost all my thoughts.

"Um...the comic con doesn't happen until next month," I blurted out, cursing myself instantly. The best thing I could come up with was a convention for nerds? What a buffoon.
"Ooh, I want to go!" The man in the red suit answered. "And dress up as Superman. But alas, being this guy takes up much of my time."

The man in green whacked the red man's arm, causing him to wince.
"Who are you being exactly?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Hm? Oh, you know, just saving the city, etcetera, etcetera."
"That's it," the green guy said firmly, notching an arrow in his bow. The next thing I felt was a sharp pain in the side of my neck. I pulled it out, recognising it as a tranquilizer arrow, which would have most certainly entered my system already. Then my eyes started to droop, and I had no control after that.


'As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers, I will say this last goodbye.'

My ears picked up on the lulling yet haunting voice of Billy Boyd. I squeezed my eyes open, taking in my surroundings. The room was filled with screens. It looked like a hospital room, but more science-orientated, if that was even a thing. Everything was fuzzy, and my mind was like the slop they fed at prison, and I couldn’t remember what brought me to this place.

"Oh, look who's awake!" A man in his mid 20s came up and reached out to me. I flinched away.
"Don't touch me," I said.
"Nah it's okay, I won't hurt you."
"I'm sure you won't. But I can't say the same for myself."
He paused, and gave me a confused look. "What?"
"I'd rather not say to a stranger."
"Oh hang on," he said indignantly. "I'm no stranger, I've been nursing you to health for the past day!"
"Well thank you, but I really must be off. I have to get to a...thing," I said, realising that Snart wouldn't know of my current whereabouts. Speaking of, where was I?
"You're welcome," the man replied in a sarcastic tone.

I pulled off all the tubes connecting me to the bed and IV bags before swiftly walking out. Before leaving the place officially, I looked around for a sign, anything that would give me a clue to what this place was. I pushed the doors open, seeing a familiar logo on the handles. The logo was of an irregularly shaped star, beside the etched in words of “S.T.A.R. LABORATORIES”. My eyes widened as it clicked; I was just in STAR Labs, the place responsible for my powers.



Huh. How weird.

“Cisco, the test results have come ba… oh, where did she go?” I heard my colleague Caitlin Snow walk into the room.
“Just up and left. Whoosh.” I accompanied with the appropriate hand gestures.
“But you still have to hear this. According to the tests we ran, she has an electrolyte imbalance.”
“Electrolytes being the regulators of important processes at a cellular level,” I recalled.
“Yes,” Caitlin continued. “She has a lot of them, which can prove detrimental by-”
“Causing muscular failures. Yup, I know.”

Caitlin frowned impatiently. “Cisco, but the thing is, look at the test results for her brain.”
She handed it to me, and I saw a large blob of red where the thalamus was located.
“Woah. Check that bad boy out.”
“Because the thalamus sends signals to the rest of the brain, it uses up a lot of energy,” Caitlin informed me. “But going back to her test results, she has an elevated level of glucose electrolytes. This doesn’t make sense, because surely she should have a lower level, due to her brain counteracting against the possible muscle failures.” She paused, taking a breath. “It’s as if she’s somehow getting the energy elsewhere, because no human body can produce that high an amount of electrolytes with that high a level of activity in the thalamus.”




Three weeks after I was in STAR Labs, I was back up and running, doing my usual 'vigilante' business. I'd learnt to bring down my targets without coming two metres of them, which was an improvement to the contact I had needed when I first got my powers. 

"Shea! Just who I was looking for!" I turned around to hear Snart slap yet another file into my hands.
“I wonder why,” I smiled sarcastically. I flipped the cover of the folder over and looked for the name of the person whom I would be looking for. But the file was surprisingly light, and only contained one sheet of paper with a picture of a figure in red and a single name: Barry Allen.

“Um, sir?” I asked tentatively. “Where’s the rest of the file?”
“It’s all there.”
A frown formed on my face. “It’s not a lot to go on, that’s all. What are his powers, if he has any?”
“Just make do!” He said,exasperated. “Is it that hard?”
I cowered slightly. “N-no sir. I’ll get going.”


“Shea, I just got a visual of Allen. He’s at the wharf. Move. Now.”
“Copy that sir.”

I made my way to the wharf, with one thing in mind: complete the mission, and not let down my boss. However, I had no other knowledge apart from that Allen potentially had powers too, and was dressed in a red suit. Something was nagging at me, like I’d seen him before. I shrugged it off before I went crazy thinking about it.

I whipped my hood up, putting my left hand to my headpiece.
“I’m approaching the target. Two o’clock.”
Tiptoeing behind some massive cargo boxes, I never let my eyes wander; they stayed on the man in the red suit, although my eyebrows furrowed at the familiar tug in my stomach. He was facing the other way, unaware that I was standing right there. I figured that now was my chance. I stepped out from behind the containers, put one hand to my temple and cleared my throat. He whirled around, meeting my eyes. But before he could make a sound, he gasped and collapsed onto his knees.

I continued draining his life energy, until Allen twitched and suddenly he was gone, and I was left draining air. I spun around, confused. In the literal blink of an eye, I was tied up to the nearby pole. I regained my senses, and saw a man in a red suit standing about ten metres away. Just then, everything came back to me. He was the man, on the top of the roof those weeks ago. The cosplaying one. The adorable one- wait, what? Adorable? No. The target. He was the target, and always just the target.

I slouched down as far as I could in the grasps of the rope. What was I actually set him for? Was he a good person? Ah, the million dollar question.


video (external link thing) is of the song "The Last Goodbye", by Billy Boyd, which features in The Hobbit so go check it out if you wish :)

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