In The Making

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I gasped, opening my eyes, allowing bright white light to enter. I frantically glanced around. Where was I? My gaze landed on my arms, with needles poking from it, shrouded underneath a standard hospital gown. Wait, what was I doing in a hospital? I sat up, wincing at the pins and needles in my legs. I hit the alarm button, waiting for a nurse, or someone, to arrive. Soon enough, two nurses came rushing in, trying to do tests on my pupils, my reflexes and what not. I reached out my right arm and grabbed one of the nurses, who was checking my IV bag.

"Why am I here?"

Her eyes widened, and she became very still. Too still. The colour literally drained out of her face; I saw the pinkish tint in her cheeks being invaded by a dull grey. Her eyes rolled back, and she fell to the floor.

"Alice? Alice!" The other nurse ran over to the motionless figure on the floor. "Help! I need help!"

People and doctors came running into the room, crowding around the so-called "Alice". I hissed, my right arm suddenly feeling like it was on fire. I glanced down at it to see the weirdest thing. A pale white blob seemed to be moving up my arm. Except, it was inside my skin, as if it was travelling in my bloodstream. My eyes followed it up my (lack of) bicep. I lifted up the hospital gown a little bit as it looked to be rolling over my shoulder, and down my chest. It got close to my heart, and then vanished. I frowned. What was going on here? Suddenly, I felt a sharp twang in my heart which jolted me upright.

My body felt rejuvenated, and full of energy. It only happened once I'd touched the nurse. Heck, it was almost as if I took the energy from the nurse... My eyes widened in horror. Oh my god. What if I did?

I started breathing shakily, causing my heart to beat irregularly. One of the doctors noticed, and came towards me, stretching out an arm to comfort me.

"No! Don't touch me!"

"It's okay, I'm here to help," he said, grabbing my wrist to stop me shaking. I shut my eyes, scared of seeing a repeat happen to this guy. When his grip on my wrist remained there, I opened my right eye slowly. He was fine, fortunately. I was confused. Why didn't that...thing happen to him as well? I sighed, leaning back onto my pillows, putting one hand on his to get my wrist back.

"Thank you," I smiled gratefully.

"You're welc-" The doctor grunted. I looked at him; oh no.

Thump! Shrieks of alarm came from the other nurse as I witnessed the doctor who was happy and lively one second turn into the exact opposite. I looked at my palms.

"What's happening to me?" I asked, tears slipping out of my eyes. I shrunk back into the covers, trying to shut myself out of the chaos I had caused. It wasn't long before my mind went fuzzy, and I shut my eyes.


"You're waking."

I heard an unfamiliar voice. I blinked my eyes open; I seemed to have a knack for waking up in weird rooms. This time however, I wasn't in a hospital bed. My arms were bound behind me while I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. I tried to move my arms but they wouldn't budge, due to the strong knots of the rope. So this is what being kidnapped feels like, I thought to myself. My legs, however, were surprisingly unbound, meaning the person who brought me here didn't consider the possibility of escape. I didn't even know what I was doing here, or where 'here' was.

A figure walked up to me and grabbed my face roughly, causing me to grit my teeth.

"What are you?" He breathed in my face. Very unsanitary.

"What do you mean, what am I? Where am I?

"I know you have powers. So I'm going to ask you again. What. Are. You?" He forced out each word, ignoring my question about locations.

"Nothing to you." I felt a hand slap my cheek, and then I was tasting the cold concrete of the room.

"Get up!" My hair was being pulled, my scalp screaming for pain relief.

"Well mate," I rolled my shoulders at the pain. "I can't, because I'm stuck to the chair, you see."

The man growled, and I tried not to show my pain. He roughly put the chair back upright, and I jolted uncomfortably in my seat. He began to walk around the chair, taunting me.

"Where are your parents, huh?" He sneered. "Aren't they going to come and get you?"

I froze in my seat. It took me a second to say, "Don't bring my parents into this."

"Why not? If they left you so easily, surely they can come back!"

I clenched my fists behind my back. He had no right to talk to me about this! "Why are you doing this to me?"

The man chuckled. "Well you see, I have quite the use for you."

He took deliberate steps that echoed, raising the hairs on my arms. He walked up behind me, so close that I could feel his trouser leg against my hand. And then I got it. The perfect idea on how to get out.

He whispered in my ear, "You're going to do whatever I ask you to."

I struggled with the rope bonds. "And what if I don't want to?" Keep calm, Shea, keep calm.

"Then," he inched even closer. "You'll wish you never got those powers."

"You mean these ones?" I stood up, looking behind me.

" are you standing up?!"

"I have these things called legs. Legs that weren't tied up." I rolled my eyes. "But you ruined my dramatic moment so...I apologise in advance if you're in any pain when I do this." I manoeuvred myself until my hand came in contact with his skin.


It wasn't until after I made my way out of the building that I realised that the chair was still attached to me. Oops. I looked around for a blade or something sharp and my eye caught the reflection of a fence. Walking closer to it, I saw it had a sharp edge, and I cut the rope holding my hands together. I smiled and started walking to the end of the street. I turned a corner and crashed into something hard and metallic. Falling to the ground, I looked up and saw a man, surrounded by about four others. The man in the middle was holding a gunlike...thing that had fluorescent white lights coming from where the bullets should be. I tried to stand up, but by then, it was too late; a barrel was thrust into the side of my head.

Flashes of Life (Barry Allen/The Flash Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang