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Y/n has been a trainee in Big hit entertainment for a few months now. Her dream was always to become an inspiring singer and a good performer. She was set to debut next week with her group Bluecandy which consists of three other members. Oh and not to forget she is dating one of the BTS members...........secretly.

She was currently practicing her dance routine with the members.
Mina is said to be the leader of the group and she's quite bossy.
"Y/n can you stop messing up the step ?"Mina said as Y/n raised her hands a second late.

They played the song once more and she tried to do it perfectly but she messed up again.
Y/n wasn't a dancer. She was very good at vocals but not dance, she practiced day and night but she still couldn't get the right pace.
Debuting is not easy, it needs perfection. She always looks up to her seniors , they set an example for her.

"Really Y/n ? Everytime you make a mistake we have do it all over again. Can't you do one step properly. God, such a headache" she sighed as she walked out of the room.
Y/n was embarrassed, the other two members gave her a cold glare and walked away too.

A unnoticed tear slipped from Y/n's eyes. She is trying, trying so hard to get everything right. Just a week away from the debut the pressure was too much.

She slid down the mirror and sat down on the wooden floor burying her head into her knees. She has to stay strong, breaking down will make this worse. But what if the group fails just because of her. The outer world scares her people's opinions, hates.

Her limbs were already sore from the enormous practice. She has been practicing for 6 hours straight now.
She ran her fingers through her brown hair in frustration.

She heard the sound of the door click which caught her attention.
"Y/n ?"
She lifted her head up slowly to the voice. The voice which always is there to comfort her.

He noticed that she was crying and the other girls weren't here.
He walked towards Y/n and sat down beside her. He eyes scanned her tired tear stained face.
She couldn't stop her sobs but it just increased. Hearing his voice made her cry more, she felt weak.

Hoseok has been in this place before. He understood how stressful it must be before debuting.
He moved himself from his previous position and sat infront of her wrapping his arms around her small figure.
"Cry it out baby" he whispered.

Y/n buried her head in the crook of his neck and cried her heart out.
"It's h-hard" she whimpered
He rubbed his hands on her back in a circular motion. He let her cry on him, he didn't care that his Chanel shirt was soaking wet now.

Her sobs slowed down as she was falling tired.
"I don't think I can do it Hobi. I don't want the  members to suffer because of me. I think I'll qui--"
"Shh--" he interrupted her shaking his head.
"Did you work this hard to just give up now baby ?" He placed his palms against her cheeks. Y/n closed her eyes taking in his warmth. She let out a deep breath

"This is your dream and you're just a week away from it. I'll always be there to support you no matter what. You understand that ?" His head was tilted sideways with his eyes giving a strong gaze on her.
She quietly nodded. Even though she felt like everything was falling apart, his words boosted her up a little.

"Now c'mon" he stood up with a confident smile on his face putting his hand out for her to take it.
She stared at his hands for a few seconds before giving him a smile and taking his hand to straighten herself out.

He fast walked to the music system and switched it on. Their song started playing.
"Now my baby's gonna dance and oppa is gonna see how my baby is doing okay " he said placing his hands on his hips, his face never losing the smile.

Y/n leaned back and stretched her back and neck
"Wow" Hoseok let out a breath. Y/n quickly retracted from her position feeling the blush creep on her cheeks.
One of the many reasons why she loves him.

"What if someone sees us ?" She asked feeling concerned.
"I locked the door. Now c'mon start your sexy dance" he bit his lower lip
"Hobiii" she whined before her part came on. Her expression quickly changed into a smirk and her body started moving along the tune.
Hoseok was carefully noting her moves. He was pretty impressed how her body hits every beat perfectly.

But anyway the part where she usually messes up came. Hoseok noticed how her face was very unsure at that part.
He put his hand out , his palm facing her indicating for her to stop.
"You're amazing Y/n" he wrapped his arms around her hip and placed a gentle peck on the tip of her nose.

"But---------this part is your problem right?" He asked walking up to the system to pause the music.
"Now follow me" he stood with his legs apart and did the move once to show her how it is done. She never knew how he could make everything look so simple.
Taking in his actions she put her hand up but it was positioned a little wrong.
"Lemme help you princess" he took a few steps and positioned himself behind her very close. She could hear his fastened heartbeat which was syncing with hers.

"Stretch your hand out" he whispered. She did as he told and watched their reflection on the mirror.
He spread his hand out and laced both of their hands together. Y/n face flushed red from the lack of space between them. This the first time he has been so close to her.

He took control of her hand and moved it in the right way it should be moved.
"Got it now ?" he whispered in her ear which sent a chill down her spine.
She hummed and before she knew she was turned around to face him. Both of their noses were almost touching now.

"I like this more" he said as he moved his lips to her neck placing a soft and gentle kisses on her nape. Both were lost in their own paradise, realising how much they needed to spend time together, the busy schedules makes it impossible for them

A loud bang on the door interrupted their little intimate moment.
"Aish" he groaned as he pulled away.
A small giggled escaped from Y/n's lips. Hoseok took his attention to the beautiful girl, how he missed her smile everyday.

"You're caught" she giggled
He climbed on her side and buried his face on her shoulder playfully
"Save me baby"

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