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"You excited to head back home?" Angela asked Idris, as the two of them were inside their suite, doing last minute packing just before they were to take off.
She had been positioning all of her makeup in it's respective storage.

The man lifted his eyes from the suitcase he placed his own belongings in, and looked over at his wife. "Even though I should be, I don't think that I am."

Angela grew of concern, taking a pause to what she was doing. "Really? Why is that?" She moved closer to her husband's presence.

He shrugged his shoulders, moving them up and down. "Going back home means having to deal with this trial and all that it comes with. I'm not ready for that."

Placing her left arm around Idris's back for comfort, Angela replied with, "You know, I may not understand what you're feeling right now, but you know I am here if you wanna talk about it." She motioned within herself.

The man waved his wife off, continuing to fill his suitcase with his possessions. "For what? There ain't nothing to talk about."

"Well when you put it that way," Angela eyed him with pupils of seriousness, her hands fell upon both her hips. "We really haven't talked about it at all. Why is that, Idris?" Her words were true. She really hadn't known if her husband was innocent or not. Whenever Angela tried to bring up the allegations against him, he'd always cut the conversation short.

Idris breathed heavily, closing his luggage. "Look, after what those doctors told you about your health, I don't want to spend my time talking about no trial. I want to spend every second with you." He then pointed towards his wife.

"Okay and I get that," she replied, watching as the man moved his luggage toward the front of the suite. "But I'm not just talking about the trial. We have never talked about what happened, y'know? With you and those girls, Idris."

"Nothing happened," he shot back. "And you know that. Where is all of this coming from?" A sudden curiosity covered his body. He didn't understand why his wife felt as though there was some conversation that needed to be had.

"But...I don't know. Because you've never told me." Angela moved her head from side to side, disagreeing with what Idris had mouthed. "You said you didn't hurt them and as your wife, it's my job to believe you. So that's what I've done. I've taken your word for it." She then signaled in his direction, feeling her heart race rapidly. "Something just doesn't feel right about any of this, Idris..."

"So what are you saying?!" The husband eyed his wife sideways, his voice becoming louder. "You don't believe me no more?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Angela felt torn. She wanted to believe her man, to stand by him. He had never been accused of anything even remotely close to sexual assault.
"I don't know. I just...I really don't know." She loved her husband, there was no denying that. But if he was guilty, what kind of woman would she be to stand by a man who she knew abused young girls?
"And I'll tell you one damn thing, I'm not going to continue on not knowing. I will leave right now and that'll just be that. So whatever happened, you need to tell me. Right now."

Realizing his wife was serious and meant every word released from her mouth, Idris understood that now was the time he had better come clean. "Listen...I...sometimes I may have...looked at them a certain way. I...may have flirted a little...but Angie...I never touched those girls. Ever."

Now while this couple took a break from packing as they very clearly needed to talk about something so serious, Whitney and Bobby were in their own suite, packing as well.

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