Chapter 14

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"That's enough for now." Ahsoka slightly pants. Luke nods in agreement. He turns his lightsaber off and returns it to his hip. He then runs his hand through his blond hair, making it stick up. Because Obi-Wan has fallen ill, Ahsoka has taken over training the twins. She thinks that they are practically perfect, their moves swift and tactful. She can't quite wrap her head around why they fret over their skills so much. It's almost obsessive how much they train.

Leia wipes the sweat from her forehead. "I think I need to work more on defending with this second saber. Do you mind watching me?" She asks, looking up at Ahsoka. Leia took quickly to Jar'Kai, easily wielding the lightsabers like extended arms. Luke was not as successful, choosing to stick with what he had basically mastered before Ahsoka came along.

"Sure," Ahsoka says to Leia. She returns her sabers to their place, watching the young woman move through each step with determination and purpose. Leia's eyebrows furrow, her face showing her intense concentration. She allows herself to get lost in the Force and her movements.

Why are they so set on getting each move right each time? Yes, Ahsoka understands that one wrong step could mean life or death, but even at their age she wasn't so dutiful in practicing her training. Of course, she was raised in the Temple and did have to deal with the fallout from the rise of the Empire. But these two have resources of other protection besides their skills with a lightsaber. They've been training with Obi-Wan since they could probably toddle. Their mother is fiercely protective, making sure that nothing can hurt them, even on this secure base.

Why do they go through this effort of fighting when there are other paths?

She has a feeling the answer lies in what Obi-Wan told her the day she came. It's the only thing that has floated in and out of Ahsoka's mind for weeks.

He will determine if the twins are ready for what is to come.

Ahsoka told Obi-Wan that she would take them to Dagobah, but she still hasn't. She most likely won't if she's being honest with herself. Master Yoda was a great Jedi, filled with wisdom and great skill. But she doesn't think that he should be the one to determine if they are ready for whatever Obi-Wan has in mind.

For what is to come. What does that mean? Do the twins know what it means? Ahsoka has been debating with herself over asking them about it. They seem to know about everything else. From what she can tell, Obi-Wan and Padmé told them about their father and his falling. Maybe they can help fill in the gaps for her.

"That looked great, Leia." Ahsoka smiles as she finishes. Leia brightens, turning off her lightsabers.

"I wanted to end on a good note." She says with a soft pant.

"Show off," Luke mumbles under his breath, receiving a playful shove from his sister.

Ahsoka says nothing, becoming lost in thought again. Luke can sense her worry and confusion. Again, his strong ability to connect with others through their emotions tugs at him. He grows curious, wanting to know what is bugging her. She is not like her usual self. "Ahsoka, are you okay?" He asks.

She hums glancing at him. Just by looking into his eyes, she knows the jig is up. He can sense her hesitation and probably won't let the conversation drop until she spills. At least, that's what she would do if her master was acting as she is. "I have a question for the two of you." She says, standing a bit straighter.

"Of course. What is it?" Leia asks, eagerly stepping forward. She would do anything to help Ahsoka after all that she has done for her. She didn't have to teach her Jar'Kai, but she did. She didn't have to continue working with them after Obi-Wan fell ill, but she did. Whatever Ahsoka is worried about, Leia wants to help get rid of it. She owes her that at the very least.

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