Chapter 6

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Luke rolls over again. He tucks his arm under his head and pinches his eyes shut. He's been tossing and turning all night without a single wink of sleep. He wants to drift away for just a few moments to forget about the events of today, but his mind won't let him. It feels like there's a circuit of energy bolting through him with no stop in sight.

He groans, laying onto his back. All of this is their own fault. They shouldn't have been snooping around, but they were so curious. All of their life, they've been hidden from the secrets of their father and anything involving the rebellion. For once, they wanted to know something.

He tosses his arm over his eyes in hopes of aiding his quest to fall asleep, but it does nothing. All he can think about is the fact that Darth Vader is his father. The man who killed off the Jedi Order is his flesh and blood. The idea of being related to that monster almost makes Luke laugh out loud.

How? How is he the son of that murderer?

He sits up and tosses the covers off of himself. His shirt is sticking to his chest, his room uncomfortably warm. He can't take it anymore. He needs to talk with someone about this. He hasn't spoken to anyone since the confrontation with Obi-Wan.

He just needs someone to listen while he voices his fears and concerns about his future.
What is going to happen to him now? The big secret has been spilled and he now knows what really happened to his father.

Though it's the middle of the night, he exits his room. He walks over to Leia's and gently knocks their secret knock on her door. He has a feeling that Leia is not asleep for the same reason that he isn't.

He hears movement inside and her door opens a few seconds later. Her hair is down, the long brown waves falling over her shoulders down to her waist. She gives him a sad smile and motions for him to enter.

She closes the door, leaning against it as he goes to sit at her desk. "Can't sleep?" She asks, running her fingers through her hair. She figured Luke was up but didn't want to disturb him in case he was actually asleep. She's glad to know she's not the only one who's awake at this hour.

Luke shakes his head. "No. My head just keeps thinking about our father." He answers. He sits backward on her chair, resting his arms on the backrest then placing his chin on top. "It seems unrealistic. It's like I can't get the thought into my head quite right."

Leia nods. "I understand. I can't stop thinking about it either. It's like the words keeping repeating in my head over and over again. 'Darth Vader is my father.'" She explains. She lets out a shiver, pulling her arms to her chest.

"Cold?" He asks, watching her.

"Yeah. I've been freezing all day. I swear, it's like they turned down the heat to keep us locked in our rooms." She says. She walks over to her bed and pulls the blanket off. She wraps it tightly around herself like a cocoon.

"Turned down the heat?" He playfully scoffs. "I think they turned it up. I'm so hot right now. I've been sweating all day." He says, pulling at his shirt in an attempt to cool himself off.

"You must be sick." Leia smiles as she sits on the floor. "I bet you have a fever."

"I am not sick." He says, rolling his eyes. "You're the one who's sick. You're shivering. People always say they're cold when they're actually burning up with a fever." He says with a grin.

"Maybe." She chuckles, looking at the ground. A peaceful silence settles between them. It's comforting just to be in someone else's presence right now. It's nice to know that they're not alone.

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