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I want to thank you all for over 300 reads firstly. It's crazy to think that 333 of you actually like my crappy writing skills.


Secondly I wanted to explain why I have not been updating. Like...at all.

I actually have a job, I know, crazy right? But I have a summer job and it's keeps me busy, but I also have an online class. The online class isn't a lot but it's enough to keep me working almost every day.

And those fats I'm not working for my class. I'm working a job.

I also have summer workouts for school and just regular workouts that I need to do so I'm booked!

I'm thinking of ideas at the moment so I hope you all cooperate with me for just a little longer!! Please!!

I have a draft for the next chapter and a basic idea of what it should be. So I'll get right in that when I have time.

Anyways, within the 5 minutes I wrote this, I thank you for your support and more will be coming soon.

Thank you to all you HunterxHunter lovers for reading my story, "Ging's Search"

I hope you stick around to see where Killua, Leorio, Gon, Karapika, and Kuma go on their crazy adventures.

And maybe see a few scary familiar, friendly familiar, and shocking familiar faces while facing crazy dangers.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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