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Chapter 5

"Woah!" Killua admired and Zushi smiled embarrassed.

"That's amazing. I can't believe it!" Gon said excitedly to Zushi and all Leorio and Kurapika could do was watch their two friends congratulate this boy they just met. Both younger boys were patting Zushi on the back.

"Zushi, you must come back to the room and prepa...I know that hair." All five boys turn to the side and see a man about mid 30s with black hair, glasses, and his shirt half way in and half way out of his pants. Both Killua and Gon recognized him. Of course, Leorio and Kurapika had no idea who this was, too.

"Master Wing?" Gon and Killua said simultaneously and the man rose his glasses. "Hello Gon. Killua. You both have grown." He greeted them and both boys looked at each other before smiling and running over to their former master.

"It's so good to see you!" Killua said.

"I've been wanting to ask about a nen thing. It might be Hatsu." Gon cheered and explained.

"You've aged well!" Killua smirked earning silence from Wing before he grabbed the boy's head and squeezed it. "Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow. Okay okay, I get it. I'm sorry." Killua apologized and Wing let go.

"Yes, you very well should be. Now Gon, you said something about Hatsu?" Gon nodded his head quickly at Wing but before Wing could answer, someone cleared their throat.

It was Kurapika, "Hello, sir. We are friends of Gon and Killua. I see that you are also their friend."

Wing nodded slightly, "Indeed, I was the one that taught them nen." Kurapika's eyebrows rose but he nodded and Leorio, being the obnoxious but smart guy he is, made a comment.

"Woah, really! That's kind of cool but how'd you teach those two bone heads?" Killua actually had a tick mark on his forehead and was about to hurt Leorio but Kurapika beat him to it. Kurapika chopped Leorio's head.

"Leorio, the 'bone heads' learned nen faster than you." Leorio was now the one pissed off but he grumbled and turned away from Kurapika as Killua smirked and laughed historically in his head.

"Anyway, what brings you here?" Wing asked his former students and Gon smiled, "We came to find a girl name Kuma Imia." Everyone in the lobby stopped doing what ever they were doing and stared at the green haired boy.

Wing's eyes widened and noticed the silence in the air. "Let's talk about this somewhere else. All of you are coming to Zushi's room." Wing motioned everyone to the elevator and piling them in. Pressing the 251st floor they began going up to the top floor.

"So," Killua broke the silence. "I understand this Kuma girl is special but just how special."

Kurpaika answered this, "Killua, Kuma Imia has been here for 7 days and made it to the 200th floor within 4 days of her being here. She even skipped one day and made it up 45 floors with two matches." Gon was surprised and now understood a little of why his father sent his to find her. She had strength.

Kurapika continued. "She is supposedly the strongest person in this tower or to ever step foot in here but the thing is, she beat a floor master within 5 minutes of a match." Gon was surprised-as was Killua but he didn't show it.

"At least that's what I heard." Kurapika stated shrugging his shoulders but Zushi had corrected him. "Oh no, you are completely correct." Everyone turned towards him. "She has beat the person who was consider the sixth strongest person and the 6th floor master of this building. She became one of the top ten within a week of being here. I, myself, am a little worried." Zushi awkwardly laughed as Gon and Killua looked at each other in wonder and curiosity.

"So, where is she now?" Gon asked. Right before Zushi could answer the announcer came on. "Hello Heavens Arena. The match between the new comer Kuma and floor master Number four, Hirai UKASI!, will begin in ten minutes."

"There she is." Zushi said.

We all changed the floor number to go to the arena and when we stepped off Kurapika stayed on. "I must prepare for my battle. I will see you all later."

"Bye Kurapika!" Gon waved as the door shut. "Let's continue." Wing said pushing up his glasses and walking forwards towards the doors. The security stopped Leorio who was behind Zushi and Wing. Gon and Killua were behind Leorio. "Hey what's the big idea man." Leorio went off at the security guard. "You must have a ticket to enter." In his deep booming voice.

"A ticket?" Gon said causing the security guard to look over at the smaller boys. "Oh my Goods. It's Killua and Gon. You two were legends around here. O-oh you may enter." The guy said in a fan girl voice. "Actually Leorio is with us." Gon said pointing to his tall friend.

"Well, then. My apologies sir, I didn't know you were friends of my favorite people. Please, go in."

"Haha. That's more like it." Leorio cheered walking in with Gin and Killua behind him. The security guard stopped the person right after, "Hold up." He said in his original booming voice.

Gon, Killua, and Leorio followed Zushi and Wing down the corridor and into the arena stadium only to find it completely full and loud.

"Holy." Gon said.

"Shit." Killua finished.

"This is a lot less than normal for one of Kuma's fights." Zushi said to Wing.

"Less?" The three boys behind them said confused.

"Yeah, usually people are fighting for their seats or standing in the isles or walk ways. Oh, over there is our reserved seats. Luckily there are enough seats." Wing pointed out fine in the front row.

They walked down and saw people staring at awe at Zushi and looked surprised to see Gon and Killua there. Leorio was even getting surprised looks his way. But his egoistic self only smirked and stood up straight. They sat down in there seats and just as all five did, the lights were cut.

Disco lights started moving everywhere and suddenly a loud voice came on. "Are you ready?" Everyone cheered and a light shown in the middle of the arena. Suddenly, one like flickered on revealing a guy who looked incredibly skilled and ready to kill. "Here's the one and only, floor master seat four, Hirai UKASI!" The announcer guy said. Cheers abrupt.

"Are you ready, for the girl who has been here for almost a week and already made it to a floor master level?" Everyone cheered again as the five guys were sitting there waiting. A light came on revealing a girl, the age of Killua and Gon, looking completely nonchalant and bored but you could see the intensity in her eyes when she look up.

"Kuma Imia!"

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