The Question

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Chapter 2

"I'm searching for someone." Ging's words were completely random and caused everyone shock.

"Wats all the commotion?" A small girly voice asked. Everyone turned towards the stairs to see Killua's sister, Alluka. The long haired girl was intently confused ta the staring and looked tired from who knows what. He yawned, "Sorry I woke up so late, Aunt Mito. I was out at work yesterday until midnight so I decided to sleep a little extra." She explained and Aunt Mito responded.

"It's quite alright, Alluka. There is food on the table." The 16 year old girl jumped over to the table and began eating. Alluka may be 16 years old but she still acted like a child sometimes. "Oh, Killua, you forgot to make your bed."

The white haired boy flinched as he sensed a certain woman getting angry. "So, Ging, you were searching for someone?" Killua changed the subject as the older man sat down and grabbed a dumpling.

"Right." He said and Gon was still filled with questions, but even more than before.

"Who is it that you're searching for?" Gon asked and Ging swallowed his food before answering.

"Her name is Kuma Imia. She's about your age, I think." He explained grabbing another dumpling and handing one to Alluka. Gon was super confused, as well as the people behind him.

"Why would you be searching for someone my age?" He asked his father and Ging sighed before taking another bite.

Ging breathed in, "Kuma is a strange girl and quite unique. She's like any other person only 100x stronger than anyone I've met or known." Ging explained earning an eye roll from Killua and a shocked look from Gon. "But, before I say anything else. Let's catch up, Mito." He said smiling and Aunt Mito whacked him.

"Ow.." He whined and that was pretty much what happened for the next hour or so.

Gon and Ging were both sitting on the edge of the cliff looking out it the setting sky. "Gon, about Kuma." Ging started as Gon continued looking out it the sky.

"What about her?" He asked still not looking at his father.

"I need you to go find her. You and your friend, Killua, and anyone else. Please find her." He said and Gon's head snapped towards his father's figure.

"Why us?" Gon asked curiously but not only that, but because he wanted to know more about this girl that his father seemed to intrigued by.

"Because I have something else to do else where and must get there before it goes away." Ging explained. "Plus, if you find her, you'll get a lot of answers that you'd want to ask me right now." He smiled and Gon relaxed still questions running through his head.

"Please tell me about Kuma before I go to find her." Gon asked and Ging nodded with a small sigh.

"I knew you'd want to know." He cleared his throat. "Kuma is an especially unique girl because of her Nen abilities but also her strength. She's not someone you'd want to get in with a fight, even if you think you're super strong, she'd be stronger. I'm not exactly sure what her original use of nen is but she can use all of them, which means I'm guessing her original was a special."

Gon was already amazed by a girl her never even met yet. "I don't know how but it seemed every where I went, I'd see her so I ended up becoming friends with her even though she was so young at the time. When I went to see the chairman a couple times, I had found out she was already a hunter but when I met her, she was seven years old." Gon gasped and slightly jumped staring at his hands thinking it himself.

'She passed at a younger age than any of us? How strong could she be?'

But the question was asked again after Ging said this, "The old man also said that she was the only one to pass that year because she had beaten all the competition within seconds of the start time."

Gon was so surprised that he couldn't move or speak, just sit there and listen to his father's words.

"I want you to find her and become friends with her, learn from Kuma, and become stronger so that one day you can be as strong as you please. Plus, she'll disappear like I do once she's done somewhere." Gon stares at his father for a while before manning up and nodding with a small grunt.

"Ging, I will find Kuma." He said before getting up and walking a few steps before pausing and shuffling back to where he was before. Gon sheepishly smiled, "Where could I start looking and what does she look like?" Ging laughed and began digging through his bag.

"Here." Ging handed Gon a piece of paper. There was a picture of a young girl with two different colored eyes smiling in front of a hotel. Gin flipped it over and saw the date, place, and a small letter that was signed by Kuma.

"She somehow mailed this to me a couple weeks ago. I'm not sure how but a bird seemed to find their way to me and drop it off. I found out it was from her and was shocked that it only took days to find me." Gon looked at the letter and read it.

'Hey Old Man,

How have you been? It's been four months since I've seen you but y'know, I'm not actually looking for you so there's that. Anyway, just checking up, I'm sure I'll see you soon.
I've been meaning to tell you that this place is awesome and I plan on spending a few weeks here. Probably 4-5 because I need some money and their are a lot of places to get money around here. Like the Heavens Arena. That sounds great. I'm already on the 155th floor and I've only been here for two days. Pretty cool right?
Anyway, just saying hi. You're probably wondering how I even found you, sort of. Never telling!

Sincerely, Kuma Imia.'

Gon was amazed by her letter in more than one way but what shocked him most was not how many floors she went up in a few days, but by how she could find his father when he'd searched for years trying to find him for the third time and he showed up on the door step of his house.

"So, will you go look for her?" Ging asked and Gon looked up.

Gon opened his mouth to answer but someone answered for him. "Of course we will." Both heads turned to Killua walking their way with his hands behind his head. "What else would we do? Besides, your grandmother wanted to have more conversations with me and I think I need a break." Killua said stretching.

Gon smiled and looked at his father, "We'll do it Ging." Ging gave a thumbs up.

He stood up and began walking to the house. "I'll see you both probably in another few years, or whenever you happen to find me." The two boys looked at each other before gong a high five. "Let's do this!" They shouted together and ran off to their rooms to get ready for the adventure.

It's was only 7:47 pm and the boys were so excited for the next day they had already gone to been ready for an adventure.

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