Chapter One: The Long, Peaceful Night

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It had been a very long night. I was on my way from The Trevor Project event. It was a delight, but I still found it hard being in the spotlight at that moment in time. I was still not quite over the whole Russell deal, but I guess life goes on. It felt like I'd been driving forever. It literally felt like the longest car ride of my life. I just couldn't wait to get home, and snuggle up to Kitty and Monkey.

I had finally arrived home. I pulled my car into the driveway and took a deep breathe. It felt weird thinking that I was finally going to be able to go in and relax. I grabbed the keys out of my purse and unlocked my house door. As I walked in I saw Kitty eating from the cat bowl, and Monkey was laid back on the arm of the couch. I made sure I loved on them both before I made my way up stairs.

After I had petted them I walked on up the stairs. I turned down the hallway that leads to my bedroom. As I walk through the door, I laid my purse on the dresser and slipped my heels off. I took off my dress that I had worn, and laid it in the dirty laundry basket. I grabbed my favorite Hello Kitty pajamas and put them on. I looked in the mirror at my long, purple hair. I had began to brush it before I notice that Monkey had made his way into my bathroom. After I was done, I picked him up and we made our way down the stairs.

I laid him down and grabbed the television remote. I thought that Netflix would be the thing to end my night with. I finally decided to just watch the Fox and the Hound. It's one of my favorite Disney cartoons. I barley made it halfway through the movie before I had already fell asleep. It was a long, peaceful night if you had asked me.

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