UPDATE: 12/23/14

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        Due to the numerous messages, comments, and votes I have received for this story, I decided to re-read it. I wrote it when I was thirteen. Being seventeen now, it's really quite embarrassing to read and see how I've matured as a person and as a writer in four years. However, I do still love to get fan-mail about it, no matter how ridiculous it may be (I once received a message asking me if the story was about my life...It most certainly isn't.) So if you still want to share your love for the story, then do so. 

        However, I would like to address some concerns others had and some that I had. Since I do not ever plan on rewriting it or continuing it or fixing it, the concerns below will have to do.

        MOST of the stories I advertise don't exist on Wattpad any more. They didn't receive any attention, and I couldn't continue them (thanks writer's block) so they got deleted. 

        Yes, it's rushed. Yes, it's short. Yes, it's pretty terrible. I was thirteen when I wrote it. What did you expect from a thirteen year old? Not a masterpiece, I hope. It really concerns me that as a thirteen year old I thought it was okay for this girl not to tell her mom even though she was away, like this is the twenty-first century, pick up a damn phone and facetime your mother once in a while, haha. 

        It also sort of concerns me how many people love Derek so much, when now, at least, in my eyes, I see him as extremely controlling of Ellie. But hey, that's just me, and I certainly didn't use to think this way. 

        I feel as if I don't give the issue of rape the amount of concern it needs in this story. I feel as if I have done a major injustice to the topic of rape in the story. In addition, I don't believe that some of the people who comment consider it as seriously either. Many ask why she doesn't report it, why the cops aren't called, etc. While my thirteen year old self never addressed the issue in writing, many people who are raped don't report rape because of how they feel. Many want to put it behind them, and are too embarrassed to tell anyone. It's also kind of disheartening, but important to note that most rapists don't end up behind bars, even when they are reported. 

        Now if I haven't completely ruined the story for you, I received a really interesting fan message today. It was truly a surreal and awesome message. Wattpad user isalina123 messaged me about writing a spin off of the story. She gave me a short idea of what the spin off would be about:

It would be about when Sam asks her if she is sure the baby isn't his, she says that it is. Then they embark on a relationship. Eventually they get married for the baby's sake. What happens?

        She says she will be posting it on her account, livlovesbradley, so follow her if you're interested. I think that she has a really interesting idea, and I'd really like to see where it goes. I'm particularly anxious to see her take on Sam and if he can clean his act up and how the two move on from the rape.

        I hope that this post has cleared up some things. If it hasn't comment below with your concerns and I'll try to get back with you. Also, shoutout to my fellow Ohioans that commented when I complained about the Ohio weather! (What's up with this 50-ish degree December weather???)

        Lots of love to my readers around the world, thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked the story (or if you didn't that's cool too, I'm still glad.)


OH, and also please do not check out my ancient youtube channel. Please do not e-mail me about covers. I'm a senior in high school--(one that got accepted to her first-choice college today :D) I don't have time to make you a cover.

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