...Random Thoughts...

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Yes... I legit tortured my teddy bear, by cosplaying as Nezuko...

And I feel bad for her...

(And ye, I made the Kimono and the muzzle UwU)

Anyway, let's get on topic...



My Random thoughts...

*When other authors wrote about an adult complimenting a child*

Readers: UwU

*Me when I wrote about an adult complimenting a child*



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If Tanjiro was training for 2 years...
...and Nezuko is 14 years old...

...Does that mean that Nezuko turn into a demon when she was 12?


Some people shipped Tanjiro and Giyu...

Tanjiro is 15, and Giyu is 21..

Hol' up-


So, Hanako-kun (Amane) died when he was 13...

He is 4'11...

Heh... I'm taller than him ÙwÚ


Yesterday is the day I realized...

Yashiro is older than Kou...


I am sad to realize...

That our innocent boy Tanjiro...

Swear in the manga...


Hey! Did you guys know that I read every single comments In all of my books? :D

So watch what you're typing readers :)

Because I can read every single words you type...


Fangirls: Eww! Mineta is a perv!

Also fangirls: *See's Bakugou* take your shirt off-


“Birth marks are claimed to be where you were killed in the past life”

Me: *looks at my right back hand*

How the flip was I killed on my right hand?


This isn't important but...

I don't swear ÚwÙ
(Well... I do if I couldn't control myself-)

If I have to write in a curse word, I have to blur it, or change it to something more appropriate.




I am a child of God.

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