🧁Pinkie Pie X 🧀Cheese Sandwich

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Remember when Twilight doesn't have wings yet and is still learning about friendship?

Yea. She's the new ruler of Equestria now. AND she's tall now.

AND Her friends has wrinkles now, let's cry yk.

(If you don't like Mlp, stop the cap. I know you liked Mlp when you were younger dont try to deny it. But if you do don't like Mlp then ok, no hard feelings aokdoans)

But anyway, I just suddenly remembered that My Little Pony exist, and had no idea what actually happened in “The Last Problem” episode, so I decided to finally watch the whole thing.

And when they started singing, I saw Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich being all lovey dovey to each other AND they had a child.

Hasbro knew what we wanted, and they throw it right in our face.

So while rewatching the older episodes of Mlp
I made a fan art

I know Cheese Sandwich looks like sh, but I tried

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I know Cheese Sandwich looks like sh, but I tried. We just gotta deal with it

My headcanon when they finally got together or sum, they're like all happy and bubbly and stuff, but also emotional supports for each other.

Like if the other one is sad, the other one like throws a party for them to cheer them up. Wouldn't that be cute af

But if they're both sad, then they can be depressed together yk sadders.

I'm so glad that the directors made Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich canon, bc why wouldn't you date someone who acts like you frfr

Btw what's yall favorite character in Mlp?
Mine's obviously Pinkie Pie

Oki enough with the childhood sweetness, let's talk about dem one shots.

Im actually writing sumthin for my Demon Slayer One shots, but then Exams are starting once again, so I gotta pause for a bit. But luckily we got a health break after that, so Ima try to continue on our health break.

Im the meantime, here's a spoiler!

Im the meantime, here's a spoiler!

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Aight dats all. Have a gret doay
If you're not having a great day, there's always tomorrow bru >:)
We finna get through this and we're gonna handle it like a stick. A strong stick 💪

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