A soul full of Regret...

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(Continuation of Flashback)

“Shhh I know it’s going to be okay.” Lolita started crying.

“Tony what was her name?”


“Her name was Mariel”


“Mariel I like it.”


“Yea Mariel…”


(Present Day)


“Over the past week bodies have been found in different parts of the city. We just got in that these people were none other that the El loco gang members.” The news reporter on the t.v said.


“I knew this day would come.”


“The gang has been lowkey for sometime now. It’s really crazy how their reappearance is about their members deaths.” Another reporter said.


“Were you ever going to tell me?”


“I didn’t here you come in sis. You’re better than I thought.”


Lolita looked at her brother her heart full of hatred and vengeance.


“Why did you make me look after him of all people. Knowing the guilt that I carry.”


“Because I knew you would do this.” Tony focused his attention to the t.v screen. Lolita glanced up at it, and looked at the bodies they were showing. She looked at her brother who was the former leader of their “gang”.


“Why couldn’t you have given her a warning. Why did you have to go to her house and teach her a lesson!? My life could've been much easier. THEN YOU PUT ME IN A HOUSE WITH HER BROTHER!! FOR GOD SAKES!!! DID YOU EVEN KNOW HE SAW EVERYTHING!!”


He just looked at her, and didn’t say anything because he had guilt running through his heart.


“ANSWER ME TONY!” She went up to him and grab him by the shirt.


“Yes I knew he was there. I know he seen everything, but that was after we did what we did. I didn’t mean for it to go that far. I just wanted her to get a little bruised up.” Tears brimmed his eyes.


“Why didn’t you just warn her Tony. You could’ve just warned her.” She said tired and defeated.

“I couldn’t just warn her because they wouldve thought i was weak. Plus she was the love of my life. I didn’t want them thinking that I was giving her special treatment because i felt something for her. That’s why i did what i did so they wouldn’t think we had feelings.”


“You loved her? How could you love her? I don’t see how you can love somebody and manage to do something like that to them. What did she even do that made it so serious for us to go to her house and BEAT HER TO DEATH!” Lolita was filled with anger. She gripped the gun in her back pocket.


In a low voice Tony responded. “She didn’t do anything I made it all up it was a part of the plan to let them not find out my feelings for her.”


“You sick bastard!” She removed the gun from her back pocket, and aimed it at her brothers head.


They shared no more words as silent tears ran down his face. The last thing that was heard was Tony’s words saying he will finally be with the one he loves in peace, and the bullet that was fired into his skull.

(Brondetto’s P.O.V)

It was 11:00 o’clock pm and I was getting ready to go to bed. These past few days had been hard on me. Without having Lolita around it was hard to do anything. I saw on the news that the gang members of El Loco had died, and that brought some relief to my heart.


I heard a noise coming from downstairs so i went to go check it out. When I got down the stairs i seen a figure standing in the dark. I turned on the light, and there she was the girl that I couldn’t stop thinking about. Lolita Banks.


“Lolita you’re back!” I went to walk over to her and hug until I noticed the gun in her right hand and a piece of paper in the other.


“Why do you have that?” I said pointing at the gun. She finally realized my presence, and raised her head. Her eyes were red and bloodshot like she’d been crying for hours.


“Lolita are you okay?” I went to go reach out and touched her but her voice stopped me.


"I never meant for it to happen this way...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I did what I thought was best, and if I only knew I would've told him no.."


“Im sorry…” She raised the gun to her head.....BANG!


She was on the floor blood pooling out of her head, and i dropped to my knees and screamed.

“NOOOO!!! Lolita please wake up please. Please don’t leave me.” I felt the hot tears run down my face. My only hope back to sanity was gone, and with this i truly lost my mind.


I noticed the paper lying next to her thigh, and i picked it up and unfolded it.


“Brondetto I know you're confused, and scared and I owe you an explanation for everything….” My eyes scanned the paper and tears ran down my face. When i got to the bottom of the letter i dropped it and it landed on the floor next to my feet.


I looked at the gun that was still in Lolita’s hand.


“My true happiness.”


I picked up the gun and cocked it…..

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