That sport they call....Baseball

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"I never meant for it to happen this way...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I did what I thought was best, and if I only knew I would've told him no.." She raised the gun.....BANG!


"Mr.Cuervo are you okay?" She asked him sincerely.


"Ms.Banks how many time have I told you to call me Brondetto. And I am fine thank you." He wasn't fine at all Lolita was currently watching a baseball game, and each time a player swung the memory kept coming back in his mind.


"I'm sorry Mr. I mean Brondetto and you can call me Lolita as well. Are you sure you're okay you keep flinching. Did you take your medication?"


He ignored her question. "Lolita I don't see how you like baseball."


She turned her attention to the t.v where the Red Sox were currently up against the Yankees. "Well it is my favorite sport. If it bothers you so much I can change it."


"No, no it's fine." He wanted as the next player take the plate and got ready to swing.


Swing. Flinch. "STRIKE ONE." Swing. Flinch. "STRIKE TWO."


"I don't see why he doesn't just give up." He said slightly turning his face to the side.


"Then there would be no point to the game." Lolita responded not taking her eyes of the t.v.


Even though he couldn't see the t.v anymore he heard the bat connect with the ball, and that's when it hit him hard. He found the remote and through it at the t.v. When he finally calmed down he realized what he had just done.


"Brondetto are you okay!" Lolita looked at him with fear in her eyes.


"I should've just let you change the channel." He chuckled. Closing his eyes a silent tear ran down his cheek.


"Are you thinking about your sister again?" Lolita looked at him with concern. Since she has been working for him for the last 3 years he has been telling her about his sister. He has post traumatic stress disorder which cause him to lash out when certain things remind him of what happened to his sister.


"You know she was all I had. My parents were around, but they never understood me. She did and I truly loved her for that. Why did they have to take her away from me!" Still with his eyes closed more silent tears began to fall. Lolita got up and gave him a hug. Over the years that's all she could do was hug him, and he appreciated it. No words were said because they both understood that they didn't need to talk in this moment.


"How about we go and get some coffee." Lolita suggested


"That would be nice." She let go of him and he got up heading to the door. When they reached to the coffee shop they order their hot beverages and took a seat in one of the booths.


"You know I'm glad I got that letter 3 years ago telling me to come and take care of you. At first I was a little skeptical because it came from an anonymous source, but my experience made me take the offer." She said absent mindedly. "It was on my 18th birthday, and till this day I still don't know who sent it.


"You know, I know my sister did bad things, but I don't see what she could have possibly done for them to do something like that. For god sakes THEY KILLED HER!! I watched with my own two eyes, and I did nothing. I couldn't do anything, but watch." With his outburst everyone went quiet. "I'm sorry I think we should go now." He got up and headed out the door, but his words made Lolita think.


"Was your sister apart of something." She grabbed his arm and stopped him from walking.


"Yea sadly...she felt out of place, and said they would always protect and have her back, and yet they did what they did. Mariel was apart of this group called (El Locos)." He rubbed his hand across his face and took a deep breath.


This was the first time Lolita had ever heard his sisters name and it sounded very familiar, and the group he just said she knew it all to well. For one she was apart of it, and that's when it all came back to her. "We should get you home now. It's almost time to take your meds again." She let go of his hand, and led the way to the car.


"Yea because they really are "helping me"." He rolled his eyes and following behind her in slow strides.


When they got back to his house she gave him his medication, and told him to go lay down.


"Brondetto I'm leaving now. I will see you tomorrow." She closed his door, and made her way out the house.


"Goodbye Lolita." He closed his eyes not knowing that her words held no truth.


(Flashback 11 years ago)


Ding Dong, Ding Dong.






She reached for the door knob. "Ohh it's just you guys. Are we having a meeting or something that I didn't know about."


"Are your parents home?" Tony who was the leader of El Locos spoke.


"No it's just me." She hadn't told them about her brother in fear that they would try and recruit him.


"Good." He pushed passed her and heading to the backyard. Everybody followed him. When everyone was outside Mariel spoke up.


"Okay Tony I know this isn't a meeting. So why are you at my house?" She was the only one he let talk to him this way.


"We heard you have been taking things from our group." He said calmly.

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