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A KNOCK  sounded on Wayne Manor's front door entrance, and Alfred left to go answer it while the other stayed in the Batcave, and Amara was preparing herself for the worst should Mr. Stone learn that she had been the cause of his son's death. A minute passed and Alfred led Mr. Stone to the Batcave. At the sight of his son, Mr. Stone began to cry. Amara felt even more guilty for Victor's death when she saw his reaction, as he rushed over to Victor's side and saw the damage.

"Who did this?" He asked.

Nobody said anything for a second, but this only made him more upset, "Who did this!" He raised his voice.

"It was me." Amara answered his question. "I-." She was interrupted.

"Why did you do this?" He yelled at Amara.

"Mr. Stone, let her explain." Bruce tried to help Amara.

"I don't need an explanation, YOU KILLED MY SON. I lost him once before!"

Amara attempted to sooth his anger and said, "Let me make it up to you, if there is anything in any way I can do to help, I'll do it."

Mr. Stone took a deep to try and calm down. He knew he could fix this, he had done it once before. And this time he had Bruce to help him as well. And Amara, who would help in any way she could.

Once Mr. Stone had his head cleared, he began to set up the procedure with Bruce's and Alfred's helping hands, then asked Amara if she had experience in engineering or anything tech related.

"Yeah, I do." She replied.

"Then you're going to help me with repairing the head," Mr. Stone ordered, examining the injury, "It looks like a clean cut. Mostly."

Amara looked at the injury on his head, mentally beating herself up for what she had done. She grabbed the tools to her left and handed them to Mr. Stone. He silently thanked her and they all began to work. Bruce and Alfred hooked Victor to a machine that would reboot his system when he was ready, with the help of Clark's X-ray vision, while Amara helped Mr. Stone with the internal damage in Victor's head. The interconnecting wires were difficult and slowed the process, but with enough patience and steady hands, the inner workings have all been fixed and the next step was to weld the cut closed. As Amara, Alfred, Bruce and Mr. Stone worked on Victor to repair the damages caused, his eyes shot open and his body jerked, causing the 4 working on him to fall.

"What in hell?" Amara asked, as she saw Victor wake up.

Clark, although just as surprised, held back a laugh when he saw their reaction to Victor's spontaneous action of waking up. He helped Bruce up to his feet, who was sending Clark a warning glare to not say anything as he pat himself down, which earned him an innocent smile and raised hands in a surrender gesture.

"Victor, how are you feeling?" Amara asked in shock.

"Like I just got a splitting headache." Victor replied in a raspy voice.

The five of them in the room sighed of relief, now knowing that Victor was going to be okay. Mr. Stone walked over to the table and hugged his son.

"I thought I'd lost you for good this time, son." Mr. Stone uttered, tears filled his eyes once again as Victor returned the hug.

"That's so sweet." Amara whispered to Clark.

"You see, everything will be fine." Clark told Amara.

After the heartwarming moment between father and son, everyone turned their attention to the three remaining unconscious Leaguers.

"What about them? They should be awake by now." Alfred stated with a worried undertone.

"Wait, can't you heal them?" Bruce asked looking at Amara.

"I mean, yeah.. it doesn't always work cause I have other abilities but it doesn't hurt to try." She replied.

She approached Diana's side and placed her left hand at the crown of Diana's head, and placed her right hand over the injury in the mid section of Diana's torso.

Amara closed her eyes and her hands became warm as everyone else watched, the light glowed in her hands and began the healing process.

"Wow." Alfred said in awe.

"She's awesome." Clark replied.

Two minutes passed and Amara's hands stopped glowing, then removed them from their places to see the wound had healed. Bruce came up to her side opposite to Amara and gave words of comfort to calm Diana down, who was looking shocked.

She recounted the events in her head and said, "The last thing I remember was patrolling the city, and then next thing I know is.... This black smoke."

"That was Zagreus, son of Hades. He is responsible for the trouble he caused. But I took care of him." Amara assured before she moved to Barry's hospital bed to begin the healing process once again.

Healing Barry took less time for Amara. Two seconds into the process, he jolted up, running out of the bed and into a wall.

"Oh he's fine." Bruce stated and Clark laughed.

Alfred had returned with a few blankets and handed one to Bruce, who unfolded it to wrap it around Diana's shoulders. "Thank you, Bruce."
She said that with a grateful smile in his direction, whom gave a nod in return, though hiding his embarrassment from her while Clark gave a knowing look as Alfred continued handing out blankets.

Amara chuckled a bit at the lightning fast action made by Barry and helped him up to his feet, steadying his balance so he wouldn't fall from being dizzy. Amara then sat next to Arthur, who laid in a hospital like bed. She put her right hand on his chest where Zagreus had stabbed him. Her hands, once again, glowed. But something was wrong.

She increased her healing ability to get the injury to heal, but nothing was happening. It was almost as if Zagreus knew that Amara would try to heal her lover. He probably had put a hex on Arthur so he wouldn't wake up.

"Something is wrong. I can't heal him." Amara frowned as she said this, causing the others to grow concerned. "Why not?" Clark asked, confused.

"Zagreus must've done something to prevent me from trying to heal Arthur. It's like he knew this was gonna happen." She said. "He's so ANNOYING." Amara raised her voice, but she wasn't trying to yell at anyone. This alarmed everyone in the room, as they all feared her. "Even after he's dead he still finds a way to mess with me."

"I think you should try again tomorrow, Ms. Subram." Alfred suggested.

He was right, she thought. She spent all day and night searching for the team and Zagreus, she was probably tired from energy exertion. With that thought, she felt the affects of last night hit her and took Alfred's advice.

"Okay. But can I stay here with Arthur?" She asked.

"Of course." Bruce told her. "We'll be upstairs if you need anything." And with that, the League plus Mr. Stone and Alfred left Amara alone with Arthur.

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