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"Go on. Kill me, live up to your name. The Goddess of Destruction and Chaos. Just like your late husband, Perseus..." ZAGREUS SNEERED, waiting for his demise at the blade of Amara's sword as she stood over him with her weapon poised at his chest, where his heart was.

An emotion flickered in her eyes at the mention of her late beloved and she momentarily hesitated.

But she shook her head, 'No, I will not let that happen again.' she thought to herself, before focusing again.

Alas, that moment of hesitation was all Zagreus needed to take advantage of and quickly summoned his sword back into his hand, making a fast swipe at her own sword to knock it away before he jumped up and attacked.

Amara quickly recovered from his surprise move and swiftly dodged the thrust of his sword and maneuvered around him so she now faced his back and immediately plunged her own sword into him.

Zagreus let out a strangled cry of shock and pain, looking down at his chest to see the point of Amara's bloody sword sticking straight out a few inches.
Amara gasped, not fully comprehending what had just happened. Again and again she was in this position, but she knew she would choose the Justice League--her family every single time. She knew she would pick Arthur over and over again. Was she bad for killing people from her past? Was she evil for just acting swiftly to promote bloodshed even if it was the right thing? Confusion filled her mind.

"I-." She staggered, looking at Zagreus' eyes becoming real wide and blood sputtered from his mouth.

"You- why?" He managed to say before falling to the ground.

Amara fell to her knees, then grasped the handle of her sword, which was still lodged in Zagreus' body. She pulled it out before dropping it and laid him on his back with her left hand holding his head as life slowly drained from his eyes and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth as Amara watched with pity.

"If I had to do it all over again to choose between you and family, I'd choose family. Every time. Your actions are what led you here for your own selfish reasons." then she finished with a quick prayer and said, "Requiescat in pace. (Rest in peace.)" and the light left his eyes before she closed them.

She sighed, and tried to keep her composure but failed. Tears streamed down her face, and she fell over, leaning against a tree.

Her chest rose up and down as she felt she was having a meltdown. She stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs. Did she have to live like this? Was she going to have to keep killing? She was over a hundred thousand years old but killing was still difficult, every single time. It never got easier. Death and pain was inevitable, especially when she was involved. She did live up to her name, Goddess if Chaos and Destruction.

She sighed, and tried to keep her composure but failed. Tears streamed down her face, and she fell over, leaning against a tree. Amara shed a few tears when she suddenly remembered her team, the Justice League, and ran over to them. She stumbled along the way before she found her friends, and her lover, whom had returned to his normal state, but none of them had woken up yet.

She ran to Arthur's side and pulled him into her arms and cradled his limp form.

"Arthur, it's over, wake up!" She assured softly, gently brushing his hair aside from his face. He looked so peaceful, like he was asleep, but fear gripped her heart as she waited and looked at the other Justice League members, still not showing any signs of waking up.

"What in hell?" She said to herself.

She walked to the members of the League. She began to do CPR to Bruce, who was lying down still. His body cold.

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