The Long LONG Day~Chapter 2

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Hey readers I decided to just write this chapter already. I have some really  good ideas. ENJOY!!!!!! 

Alan,Sadie,Sarah,and Mark went to their lockers and got thier books.For the first two hours of the day. They were all in the same class this year. They have been in the same class since 2nd grade.

The first class they had was Math. Mark and Alan hated math not the subject just the teacher. Miss Charles, Miss Emmalin Charles. She just got out of college and was horrible with discipline. Sadie and Sarah being girls although hating the subject in general loved Miss Charles, Sarah and Sadie are the little teachers pets in almost every class. 

The four went into the classroom. The classes are only 50 minutes, but today of all days it felt like two hours. When the bell finally rang every kid in the class ran out.

The next class they had was History with Mr. Moore. This class was okay. It felt like an hour before then bell rang mainly because it was an hour.

After 2nd hour the have a 15 minute break to get snacks or finish up homework. Mark,Alan,Sarah,and Sadie hang out in the hallway and talk during the break instead of getting snacks. Their conversation during break...

"So Sadie Alan how's your life." Mark asked with a cracky voice.

Sarah busted out laughing at her brothers voice. 

"I can tell who's going through some changes life." Sadie said teasing Mark

"Oh. Shut up!" Mark said with his cracking voice

"Well to answer your question Mark.Our Mom and Dad are still fighting."

"Still thier still fighting!" Sarah said with a shocked face

"Yep, It seems the fighting will never stop."

All of the sudden the five minute bell rang.

"Lets get to Bible Class."

The four friends walked into Mr. Scott's class. Soon all the kids were coming into the class laughing and finishing up their conversations. The bell rang for class to being and Mr. Scott stood up in front of the class and got there attention. 

"Class may I have your attention please."

The children settled down and became quiet

"Alright now that I have your attention. Lets start this class of with prayer...Any prayer request.

Mark raises his hand.


"I have two sir."

"Okay...go ahead."

"For the first junior football game tomorrow."

"Okay and the next one."

".....My voice." He said with his voice cracking

The class started laughing.


The class stopped laughing.

Sadie and Alan both raised their hands.

"Any more requests...Sadie."

"Unspoken sir."

Alan put his hand down.

"Okay...Alan was it the same thing?"

Alan nods

"May I see you two after class please."

"Yes sir." Alan and Sadie say to together

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