Pronunciations + Translations

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Pronunciations: (in order of occurance)

Vansannon = VAHN-zah-nohn

Thrae = Thray (rhymes with day, lol it is Earth backwards...)

Kaa = Kargh* (like 'car' but with a hasher ending)

Dhoulren = DHAWL*-Ruhn (Dhoul rhymes with ghoul or fool)

Ana = Ah-nurh

Geurda = Geur*-duh (Eur sounds like the 'eur' in euro)

Farrez = Fah-rehz

Ejiavstae = Eh-JEE-ahv-stay

Epdemise = EPP-duh-meez Thrae =

Sawali = SAR-WAR*-Lee (Rhymes with tar)

Thiorah = Thee-OR-ruh

Saiac = Sie*-ack (Sie rhymes with lie)

Stollaral = Stoh-LAR-uhl

Kalastia(n) = Kahl-AH-stee-uh(n)

Toprad(ath/ie) = Tohp-pah-dath/die* (Rhymes with cry)

 Lley-Rhündí= Lay-ROON-dee

Eurorah = Eur*-RORR-rah (Eur like Euro)

Hvessi = Veh-see

Maerie = Mary or May-Ree, I dunno which...

Elanie = ELL-uh-nee

 Raaven = RARH-vuhn

Shrelvi = Shrehl-vee

Naustya-Pae = Norst-chuh-PAY

Ley-Corla = Lay-CORR-luh

Uiy = Oo-wee


“Havil Dhoulren. Grettgras.” (Hah-veel) = Hi Dhoulren, greetings.

Nii Cha tuae Sawali (Nee cha tway) = And to you Sawali.

Muel ladrejja deploragnas (Mway-ell Lah-DRAY-zhah Deh-plorr-RAHG-nass =We beg forgiveness

Thankee = Thanks


Krott = Sh*t or Crap

(Gutter) Slier = (male) Slag

Cradderack = Fool, weakling, cripple

Foulast = filth, 'foul' one (the meaning is very strong, much stronger than calling someone foul)

scabscrotter = Dirty begger

poxy = silly

kindren/kindred = kinsmen or kin

Kalastians = Brave ones (kala=brave, Stian=being, stia=one* (not 1, that is saeo)

Dhoulren = Fear of a self. Dhoul-ov-stiren (fear of oneself, Niren=myself)

Lley-Rhündí = Light/peace bring(er)

Aral (1) = natural magic

Aral (2) = Unusual/magical being (talking animals)

Aral (3) = A state of being that is not alive or dead or even in between.


The language spoken in Kalastia (or Kaa's army) would be Queg. However in the story, translations have been made so that you can attually understand it. The language spoken is 'Engalysh' which is English but with a few queg scentances. In 'reality' they would be speeking entirely queg apart form a few formal phrases which would be said in the ancient language. There is one phrase from the ancient language, this is Lley-Rhündí and a couple that are derived from  the ancient language (Lley -Corla, Naustya-Pae). I have chosen NOT to add much of the ancient language into my story because it is long and difficult with lots of retarded symbols. For example One sympol phrase like 'Hi my name is Lara' in queg would be 'Havil ni namessi Lara' or even 'Havil  me nam es Lara'. To translate this into the ancient language, first you need to look in to the word 'Havil'. In queg 'Havil' is short for Havadre Iles which in the ancient language is Havadre Mauristayla yenae staurîlles. This translates as guard against the bad luck and if that is just one word... Well you can imagine... The ancient language was designed for beings with lots of time. namely imortals. Kaa would probs use this language all the time, just it would automatically be translated in to the minds of people. Coz kaa is too lazy to learn queg...

I have ripped off Eragon, Northen Lights and The host during this story! :-P

'Kill the fish' means after affects/ reprocutions.

(Engalysh = EN-gah-leesh)

(Queg = hweg)

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