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When his mind said no more, Dhoulren raised her head and looked up into his eyes. They studied hers closely. She was surprised, for she thought she would find a fury of malice and hate in their depths as she was told she would. Instead she saw only sadness and pain.  At once, she felt ashamed for spying on the thoughts of his past.

“I, I am…”

She stumbled, steeling her self to reply. She caught herself, abashed. Under the piercing strength of his gaze, she felt defenceless as a new born lamb and just as foolish.

His expression changed to a mixture of under standing, regret and… pity? A new fire, hot as the irons from which she was branded, burned with her shock as she recognised the truth spelt out in an expression on his face. No one had ever pitied her before, no one. All who saw her were filled with savage hatred. She wanted to weep but her tear ducts were dry and her face would not respond. It was no better than a dead cast mask. It would not obey her. The feral personality that resided inside her split mind felt angry. She feared the other one. It filled her mind with terrible scenes from countless battles. Slurred her words, fought to gain control of her body.  How dare he pity Us? Us! Suddenly, its minds voice spoke from her dead lips…

“You pity me. You do. I understand. Don’t look surprised, your face is as readable as a book.” Her foul mouth twisted into an ugly sneer of scorn.

His eyes flashed with shock, but only for a second. They blinked then assumed their previous impassive gaze.

“Pity you I do. You and the rest of your sorry kind.”

“Ha so you admit but what can be accomplished by pity?” Dhoulren shuddered and closed her eyes, fighting to regain control of her body but to no avail. When his horsy lips were still pressed, in a blank line, she spoke again.

“But still you do continue to do so? Why do you not hate me?”

This time he did answer, slowly, almost cautiously like he was walking on thin glass.

“Hate accomplishes as little as pity.”

Her body smiled a smile that fitted ill her fragile lips, thrilled with the thought of an argument. Dhoulren fought upon her self, feeling a snag in the mind of her opponent. She mentally grasped in and fought, hurling out images, scenes, smells, sounds, but it could not be dislodged before it spoke again. 

“Does it? Through hate many an able body is riveted for war and you did neither make truth nor answer my question”.

 By now, Dhoulren had almost gained control. She composed her self quickly before Kaa could notice the change of domination inside her head. She was curious however of the force of power before her.

“I pity you oh cursed one but hate you I could not. Never should your kind be blamed for carnage they bring for they do so not in their free minds. For they have none. Therefore I cannot hate you but I loathe with every fibre of my being the ones that brought your kinds destruction into the world. Though… I am puzzled by you. You in particular. Even as I look, I sense conflict inside your mind, you show little none of the malice and none of the blind ferocity of your kindred before you... Why?”


“Are you born off the thoughts of your host?”

“Influenced maybe but not so I would be corrupted by them. I believe that it is a weakness in the heart of my soul creature that caused my mind to split in two. One that you hear speak, the other desires to rip out your throat”.

Shards of darkness (watty awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now