chapter seven

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"What about mom and Ryha?" Anakin asked tentatively, turning to face Qui-Gon.  "Are they free too?  You're coming, aren't you, guys?"

Qui-Gon took a deep breath, seeing that Ryha and Shmi's eyes were already growing watery.

"I tried freeing them, too, Annie, but Watto wouldn't have it."

"But... the money from the selling..."

"It's not nearly enough."

Shmi wastes no time in crossing over to where her son was, taking both of his hands in her own.

"Son, my place is here.  My future is here.  It is time for you to let go... to let go of my.  I cannot go with you."

"But I want to stay with you.  I don't want things to change."

"You can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting.  Listen to your feelings, Annie.  You know what's right."

Anakin took a deep breath and lowered his head, taking a moment to himself before looking up at Ryha with tears in his eyes that mimicked the tears in her own.

"What about Ryha?"  he asked, sounding more fragile than anyone in the room had ever heard him.  "She can't come, either?"

"I tried everything I could, Anakin," Qui-Gon spoke remorsefully.  "I"m sorry."

Choking out a sob, he broke away from the adults and made a mad dash for the girl he loved more than anything in the universe, hugging her as tightly as he could.

"No..." he cried out, sobbing into her shoulder.  "No, I can't leave her.  I won't do it!"

"Anakin..." Ryha muttered, letting her tears free fall down her cheeks.

"No!" he exclaimed, gripping her even tighter.  "I won't do it!  I don't want to be a Jedi anymore!  I don't want to!"

The despair and pain in his voice was enough to make even the toughest of men crumble, and it took everything in the adults not to do just that as they looked on at the children.

"Anakin, you have to," Ryha pushed.  "This is your dream, Anakin.  Y-You're free.  This is all we've ever wanted."

"No," he sniffled.  "What we wanted was for you to be with me.  I can't leave you, Ryha.  You're my best friend."

"You have to, Anakin.  This is y-your destiny." the girl said sternly.  "You're going to become a Jedi, just like Qui-Gon.  That's all I've ever wanted for y-you.  You h-have to go."

Anakin choked out a sob and brought her in for a hug once more, never wanting to let go.

"This isn't the last time we'll see each other, Ryha," he whispered, so only they could hear.  "I'll come back one day, when I'm a Jedi.  I'll free you.  I'll come back for you and mom, I promise.  Just... wait for me."

"I promise, Anakin." she whispered back, squeezing him hard.  "I'll wait forever."

Reluctantly, Anakin broke away from the tight embrace, and faced his mother.

"I'm going to miss you so much, mom."

"I love you Annie... Now, go pack your bags.  Hurry."

The mother and son hugged quickly before Anakin ran off to his room, Ryha hot on his tail.

Shmi turned to Qui-Gon and offered him the only thing she could in that moment; a smile.

"Thank you."

"I will watch after him." Qui-Gon promised.  "Will you and the girl be alright?"

"He was our lives for such a short time... and yet... he's the only thing that matters to either of us." she replied, staring after where her son and the girl she came to see as a daughter ran off.  "I'll take care of her, too.  She's all I have left."

"She is lucky to have you."

"Yeah..." Shmi sniffed, shaking her head.  "And I am lucky to have her, too."

Soon enough, the Skywalker family and Qui-Gon were outside, watching Anakin big Kitster farewell before taking off.  Just as he's about to leave with Qui-Gon, he turns around, looking back at his mother and best friend.  Feeling the bitter sting of tears start to return, he ran back over to them, seeing that they were in the same state as he was.

"I can't do this.  I can't leave you.  I just can't."

Shmi sighed and took her son into her arms for the last time, planting a kiss on his dusty blonde hair.

"Annie, remember when you climbed the great dune in order to chase the Banthas away so they wouldn't be shot?  Remember how you collapsed several times, exhausted, thinking you couldn't do it?"

Anakin nodded his head, trying to compose himself.

"This is one of those times when you have to do something you don't think you can do.  I how strong you are, Annie.  I know you can do this."

"I'll see you again, mom." he spoke with determination.  "I'll come back and free you, I promise."

Managing to smile, Shmi brushed the hair from his eyes and placed another kiss on his forehead.

"Then we will see each other again." she spoke softly.  "No matter where you are, my love will be with you."

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, my sweet Anakin."

Turning to Ryha, Anakin almost decided to stay again.  But, he remembered her words, and tried his hardest to reel in his emotions.

"I want you to have this," he spoke, pulling out the pendant he'd been working on during what little time he had off.  "I carved it out of a vapor snippet... It will keep you safe while I'm gone."

"I love it, Anakin," she whimpered, holding onto it tight, like it would disappear any second.  "I cherish it forever."

Anakin wrapped her in their most tender embrace yet, relishing the feeling for the last time.

"I'll never forget you for as long as I live.  I'll be back one day, Ry.  I'll free you and mom, I promise."

Ryha nodded, pulling away and wiping her eyes.  Feeling bold, she placed a kiss on his cheek, letting him know that this was really it.

"I'll see you then, Annie.  I love you."

"I love you, too.  I love you both, so much."

Pulling Ryha into her arms, Shmi stood, and gazed down at her son for the last time.

"Don't look back, Anakin.  You've got too much to look forward to.  Leave this place behind; don't look back."

And as Anakin turned around and marched his way over to Qui-Gon like the little trooper he was, he heard it.  The most heart breaking, earth shattering cry he had ever heard from the girl he loved the most.  And with tears in his eyes, he stared straight ahead, determined not to look back.  He had a mission now, and the sooner he became a Jedi, the sooner he could accomplish it.

This wouldn't be the last time he stepped foot on Tatooine, and the next time he did, he wouldn't be leaving alone.

n// sorry that this was so short but that concludes part 1!! wow im fr crying rn but LMFAO that's FINE part 2 will be up soon :) thank you for reading my loves and i hope you enjoyed!!!

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