chapter twenty-one

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Ryha Skywalker didn't think she would ever get used to the city.

No matter how much time she had spent in it, or how many times she would look out at it from her balcony, she just couldn't bring herself to grow used to the sheer volume of it all.

Everything was just so loud.

The people, the ships, the politics, the lights, the music — it was overstimulating no matter where she went.  She was naïve enough in the beginning of her stay to believe that it would all quiet down in the nighttime, but quickly learned that everything just got even louder.  The second sunrise, she called it.  When the sun finally set and then the lights of the city illuminated it once more.  It used to mystify her, but now...

All Ryha had ever wanted was a quiet life.  A life where she and Anakin could live out their days free from someone else's tyranny, where they could heal from their pasts, and where they could just be happy.  No responsibilities except those of their own home.  Most people got that, so why was it so far fetched that they, too, could have it?

She could feel the heat from Anakin's stare from where she stood, but paid it no mind.  Ryha, better than anyone, knew how he was.  He loved to watch her in everything she did, taking in every action she deemed as trivial, because he had missed so much.  He hung onto every word, took note of every detail, and made it his top priority to understand her ways of thinking, just as he always had.  The thought of it made her smile.

"Anakin?" she asked, still fixated on the bustling life of the city below her.

"Yes, my love?" he replied.

She could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"I want to have our baby back on Naboo," she decided in the instant, tracing over her necklace mindlessly.  "I want to give birth where we got married; somewhere quiet, where no one will know.  We can have a home there, Ani. Like you always wanted for us."

Anakin took her in as she spoke, still somehow in disbelief of their whole situation.  It seemed like just yesterday they were working their hardest to get their chores done on time so that they could be together, and now they were married, talking about where the baby was going to be born.

"You are so beautiful..." he trailed off, watching as she finally turned to face him.

Ryha let out a laugh, his favorite sound in the entire galaxy, and shook her head.  He had been doing that nonstop since he'd returned home, but she didn't mind.  It filled her heart with something indescribable. 

"Only because I'm so in love." she replied with a grin, watching as he began to walk over to where she stood.

"No," Anakin shook his head, placing his hands on her waist.  "It's because I'm so in love with you."

Ryha beamed up at him, all of her worries gone within an instant.  He had a way of making everything better, just by being there.  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him tenderly, feeling as if she was floating.

Loving Anakin... it was bliss.  Every moment, every second that passed, was as perfect as anything could ever get.  Her heart was full, and she was at peace.  This was why she lived in the city.  This is why she was a handmaiden for the former Queen of Naboo.  This is why she had sacrificed so much.  Everything that she did, everything that she would continue to do, was for moments like these.  And she would do it all again in an instant.

"Love has blinded you, Anakin," she giggled, throwing her head back in laughter as he peppered face with even more kisses.  "Made you a fool!"

"A fool for you, my beautiful little wife," he grinned, placing his hands on her stomach.  "I still can't believe it... You and this baby... you're the best things that have ever happened to me. I'm the luckiest man in the galaxy."

Ryha smiled and placed her hands over his, looking down at her stomach. She was beginning to show, just barely, she supposed, but she was obsessed with it. The little bump that was carrying the manifestation of her love. She couldn't wait to see her body transform; to see the effect that it all had on her. She wanted it all, every up and down that came with pregnancy. She couldn't wait to be as big as a house making Anakin lace up her shoes, or waking him up in the middle of the night to grab her her latest craving, even if they both knew she would be sick in the morning anyways.

She knew that their days together were limited. That she was living out the remainder of her little fantasy. Anakin would soon return to his position as General, and she would return to work. But for now, she could forget about the war, and just pretend that they were a normal family, like she'd always dreamed of. She soaked every second of it up, pushing every negative thought to the side for once. She wouldn't dwell on the unknown. She was going to enjoy the time she had, and mourn the time lost when he was gone.

Anakin closed his eyes as he rested his hands over his blooming bundle of joy, taking in their presence. He had never felt anything like it — it was a contradiction in every way. Familiar yet foreign, close yet far, calm but electric; he was almost addicted to it. He could feel himself, in a way. His own presence, his own blood running through his child's veins, and he could also feel Ryha's. His baby — their baby — was a puzzle and he couldn't wait for the day where he could solve it.

He knew better than anyone what a predicament he was in, but he was determined to make it work.  He didn't know how, but he was sure, just like he always was.  He knew that there were things that he was going to have to sacrifice given his profession, but he couldn't dwell on that too much.  If he did, he would become even more obsessed with his thoughts, and he would do something more drastic than his tendencies already were.

Looking up from Ryha's belly, he removed his hands and placed them on the sides of her face, kissing her deeply.  Instantly, the woman melted into her husband's kiss, feeling weak in the knees like she always did when Anakin kissed her. 

The city, and kissing Anakin.  Two things she would never quite get over.

"Let's go to bed, my love," he cooed in her ear, peppering her face with little kisses in between his words.  "I need to hold you in my arms."

Ryha didn't need to be told twice.  Sleeping next to Anakin every night... it was perfect.  She had never felt so safe, so protected, so loved in her entire life.  She had all she needed within the confines of four posts and a few pillows.  Her best friend, and their blooming creation of love.

"That's all I could ever ask for." Ryha smiled gently, wrapping her willowy arms around his neck.  "Take me to bed, my darling."

Sweeping her up into his arms effortlessly, he didn't once break his focus on her statuesque face as he carried her to their bed, placing her down on the decadent silk sheets.  Caressing her cheek, Ryha watched as his eyes took in every inch of her face, committing it to memory.  She just smiled as he did so, remembering the times where she would shy away from his intense stare and hide, but she felt no need now.  She was his wife -- if he wasn't gazing upon her, what else did he have the right to be gazing upon?  It made her feel beautiful.  Anakin made her feel beautiful.

"Come here," she murmured, capturing his perfect lips in a kiss.  "Hold me."

Anakin took off his tunic and wasted no time in joining his bride in their bed, bringing her into his warm chest, sighing contently.  Turning slightly so that they faced each other, Anakin reached over and placed his flesh hand on her exposed stomach and closed his eyes, smiling as he felt Ryha place a gentle kiss on his cheek.

So this is what peace feels like, he thought to himself.

And with the steady flow of energy from his child and his wife's rhythmic breathing, Anakin was lulled into his slumber.

Peace at last.

n// unedited asffff bc that's how we do things round these parts anyways i missed you all and i missed ryha and anakin even more ! luv uuuu

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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