chapter five

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Just as she knew she wouldn't, Ryha got no sleep that night.  She was worried about Anakin's safety, yes, but now she was worried about something different.  Something much, much worse; the fact that she might not ever see him again after he wins the race.  The thought of it alone was something beyond terrifying to Ryha.  It was something out of her worst nightmares magnified by a trillion.  She never once thought that she'd have to go through her life without her best friend by her side, and now, it's becoming a reality before her very eyes.

What would she do without him? Who would she talk to? Who would she spend time with? Who would take care of her and look out for her? What about Shmi and her awaiting fate? The questions ran through Rhya's mind faster than she could register, but she knew that her mind wouldn't be occupied with anything else until later.  However, she knew one thing to be true, despite all of her confusion.

She was so glad that he would be free.

Anakin could finally grow up to be the man she knew (even in her youth) that he was destined to be.  He could become the greatest pilot the galaxy had ever seen.  He could become like Qui-Gon Jin and help people throughout the universe.  Who knows?  Maybe he would be the one to free her, as well.  Just like he always promised.  Either way, she knew that he was getting off of Tatooine, and that was enough.  She just wished that she could come with him on whatever adventure he'd go on after the race was all said and done.

Sighing, she rolled over on her small cot, and looked out of her small window as the Tatooine suns began to rise over the desert hills.  She didn't like much about her home planet, but even in her youth did Ryha know that there was nothing in the galaxy that could compare to watching those suns rise when the rest of the planet was sleeping. It was her one moment of solace that she had to herself before she had to get up and get her day started. However, she didn't want today to start.

Today was the beginning of the end for Ryha Dallie.

Ryha blinked back her childish tears at the thought, shaking her head and getting up, silently padding over to where her best clothes were laid out. They weren't much, but they were just a little bit better than the others. Slipping them on, she decided that if today was going to be the last day she had with her friend, she was going to spend as much time as humanly possible with her best friend. Within minutes, she was running down the empty streets, letting her feet take her home.

Approaching the familiar hut of the Skywalker's, Ryha slowed her pace as she was met with the stranger that seemed to meet her everywhere she went.

"Good morning," Qui-Gon spoke, sipping a drink and looking down at her.  "The door's open, young Ryha."

Ryha looked up at the Jedi, trying to envision Anakin with such a presence.  She couldn't imagine him as poised and controlled as Qui-Gon was — that just wasn't who her Ani was.  He was a rebel, and she didn't think any Jedi code would ever get that out of him.

"Thank you," she muttered, moving quietly to the front door.

"Ryha?" Qui-Gon called out once more, making her stop in her tracks.  "He didn't sleep, either."

This time, the girl said nothing, just entered the hut where everything was still except her.  Slowly, yet surely, she walked over to Anakin's room, passing a sleeping Padmé and Jar Jar along the way.  As she approached his room, she was met with the sight of him under his thin covers, and his back to her.  And even still, he lifted up the corner of his blankets, giving her all the invitation she needed.

Kicking off her little shoes, she climbed under the covers, making the boy turn around to look at her.

"You couldn't sleep," he stated.  "Why?"

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