Baby Number #3

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Summary - Hinata gets taken to hospital, Naruto is at a meeting and Boruto blames his father. But not all is what it seems to be.

Boruto sighed as he approached his house, he'd just come home from a very tiring mission to catch some escaped zoo animals. Now, he couldn't wait to just get inside and have one of his mom's home cooked meals.

Maybe they'd have fried rice, or some smoked fish or maybe, Boruto's favourite, hamburgers! As long as it wasn't ramen, Boruto didn't mine, he'd be dammed if he liked the same food as his stupid old man.

Opening up the door, he was a bit disappointed he couldn't smell anything cooking but maybe his mom had just started.

"Tadima!" He called as he walked through the door and began to take his sandals off.

"Okari big brother!" Himawari called as she poked her head round the door. Her voice had a slight undertone of worry, causing Boruto to speed up the taking off of his shoes and bag.

Walking through the door to the living room, he was shocked to see his dark haired mother lying slumped on the couch looking pale. His younger sister was kneeled in front of her with a distressed look on her face.

"Oh, okari Boruto." Hinata said surprised as her son walked through the door. Her tone soft and slightly weak.

"Mom, are you okay? You don't look so good." Boruto asked as he made his way over to his ill looking mother.

"I'm fine Boruto. Just feeling a little tired today is all." She said, forcing a smile at her two anxious children.

Boruto glanced at Hima, easily not convinced by their mothers easing, they shared a worried a glance.

Suddenly a deep grumble came from Boruto's stomach, causing Hinata's eyes to shoot open and the two children to glance at the offending noise.

"Oh no! I should've started on dinner ages ago." Hinata gasped as she shot up from her seat, causing Boruto to step back and Hima to lean out the way.

"Mom, don't you think you should be resting? We can order take-out so you don't have to cook." Boruto said as he watched his mom rush to kitchen and begin preparing their supper.

"Nonsense, I'm fi-" Hinata was cut off by a dizzy spell causing her to stumble back and grip onto the counter top.



Both Uzumaki children rushed over, gripping onto their weakened mother so she wouldn't fall.

"It's alright kids, I'm okay."

Just as she finished, Hinata's legs buckled from
under her and she was lowered to the floor by her children, who were struggling to hold up her weight.

"Oh-no! Mom!" Boruto glanced worriedly at his fallen parent before calming himself.

"Himawari, you stay here with mom. I'm going to get Auntie Sakura. Okay?" Boruto said as he stood up.

"Okay..." Himawari sniffled as she continued to sit with her mom on the kitchen floor.

Boruto rushed out the house, his shoes barley on as he ran towards the Uchiha residence.

Jumping across roof tops, he soon came to the door and knocked violently on it.

The door swung open to reveal dark hair and matching dark eyes. The face of Sarada Uchiha looked back at Boruto's worried one.

"Boruto, what are you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Sarada! Is your mom home? I need her help!" Boruto cried desperately as familiar pink hair came to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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