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The Vampire Bodyguard 🥵

Bella's POV
I woke up. I couldn't remember what happened after I saw Julio go down the fall.
I looked around. My father was sitting beside me.

I was home!
"Thank goodness you're fine." Dad said holding my hand.
"What happened?"

"You were found on the highway. Then we were called by the police."
So Julio was gone for good, I thought.
I shed tears and held onto our last moments.
I couldn't tell anything to anyone. I just couldn't.

I had decided to move on. His agency said they were going to find Julio's body.
But I didn't they would soon. All I could tell them was Julio was killed.

I always saw him in my dreams. He was happy where he was.
Sometimes, I think I see his shadow.
I wished he could come back, but he just couldn't.
I had to move on. At least being a better person and forgetting my past.

But one thing I'd never forget was my bodyguard.


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