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(short chapter)

One week later...

The sun slowly rose as you slept peacefully. The soft cold breeze hitting your body. People were slowly waking up, preparing themselves for the day ahead of them.

You groaned when the rays of the sun hit your eyes, waking you up. You slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes. You were still outside.

I slept on the porch again...

As you were trying to shake off the feeling of sleeping again, you walked into the house. Quietly stepping on the shards, feet not affected since you had your boots on.

You entered the bathroom, carefully trying to not make too much noise. You washed up and even had the time to clean the bathroom a bit before you could leave for work.

Yes, work...

You were already working. I mean, you needed money. Your parents barely even feed you or even pay the bills, so you need to survive somehow.

You aren't sure how you were supposed to manage school life and work if you got accepted into U.A.



Wait...it's been a week...

You remember putting the repair shop's address on the application papers.

Shit, I have to get them before Uncle Jun sees them...

You quietly changed into new clothes that you bought by yourself and ran out of the house. "He doesn't know I tried to enter U.A. If he knows this way, I'm not sure of his reaction..."

Uncle Jun was the guy who fixed your boots and gave you the gloves years ago.

You visited him every month, making sure the boots and gloves were still in good shape. And of course, because he was technically the only person you actually trust.

You were scared of his reaction if he read the U.A Letter because you weren't sure if you got accepted or not. If you did, he would be proud and sad at the same time since he was rejected by U.A a long time ago.

If you weren't, he would probably scold you for even trying because he warned you about U.A through his stories. You finally arrived and knocked on the door. The shop wasn't open yet, but he lived there so you constantly just kept on knocking.

You could hear him making noise inside and unlocking the door.

"The store isn't open until nine-" he stopped talking when he saw you.

He sighed. "Wait there," he told you and you stiffened.

Oh shit, did he already see it?

He came back with a white envelope with the U.A's stamp on it. It didn't look like he opened it yet.

He gave it to you and you just looked at it. He saw that you looked tense so he opened the door for you to go in.

You obliged and walked in, heart beating rapidly. You sat down on one of the chairs and he did too. He handed it to you. You just looked at it.

"Open it, Kid. I didn't see it yet" he exclaimed, hand-combing his hair to the back. You sighed and slowly ripped open the envelope.

There was a small disk inside and you took it out. "What is this thing-"

Suddenly, there was light coming from the disk. You jumped up in surprise and it fell to the ground. It projected on the wall and All Might appeared. The room was dark and you both could see it clearly.

Both of your eyes widened.

"I am here! All Might as a projection!" he exclaimed. "Whoa..." Jun said behind you. You just stared at the screen in awe.

Was this really happening?

"I came to this town to work at U.A so if you are wondering why I'm on this projection right now, I gave you your answer!"

He went backward from the screen and posed.

"You, Adzumi Afuru, passed the written exam and the practical exam! You have thirty villain points and zero rescue points. Since nobody was injured except Midoriy-I mean the one who took down the Zero Point Villain and the one who got trapped between the rocks"

"It is okay that you don't have any rescue points since we observed that you didn't really come across anyone that was in danger so we will let this one pass..."

Oh my god, does this mean-

"Come, young Adzumi..."

"This is your hero academia..."

He laughed and posed again.

"I hope to see you around U.A. I'm rooting for you!" he said and the screen disappeared.

You let out a shaky sigh.

"I passed...?" you asked yourself. You jumped up from your seat and turned to Uncle Jun who had a big smile on his face.

"I passed!" you shouted in happiness and Uncle Jun stood up from his seat, arms opened wide.

Tears brimmed in your eyes and you ran into his arms.

"Thank you, uncle...Thank you..." you cried on his shoulder. He patted your head. "I'm so glad you went and tried, not letting my stories about U.A affect you, kid," he muttered, letting go.

You smiled and wiped away your tears.

You have never been happy before in years...

"I'm doing this for you, for my parents, and for the people who helped me..." you told yourself, clutching your shirt tightly. He chuckled slightly and picked up the disk and the envelope you left on the floor. He gave them to you.

"Put the letter in your boot..." he told you and you looked at him. "Huh?" you asked, confused.

"You can remove the sole of your boot and make it a secret compartment for things. I forgot to tell you years ago..." he said, with a small apologetic look on his face.

You chuckled and sat down on the chair, taking off the sole of the boot.

There was a small compartment...

You took out the letter from the envelope and placed it inside. Then you put back the sole and stood up. "Thank you, Uncle-"

Your eyes drifted to the make-shift clock on the wall that Uncle Jun had made, and instant panic filled you. "-But I'm late for work!" you exclaimed. He gasped and opened the door for you.

"Quickly! You can't be late! You know how your boss is!" he said and you used your quirk to rush out of there. He waved goodbye, looking around the streets if anyone could see you use your quirk.

You swiftly went through the air, rushing to the location of your workplace.

As you were looking down from above, you saw your boss, outside of the building. She looked up when she could smell smoke and shook her head.

You grew scared since she looked mad. She made rushed hand motions for you to land. Slightly cursing at yourself for forgetting, you slowly went down as the face of your boss scowled in disappointment. When your feet reached the ground, she couldn't even wait for you to say something.

Her annoying voice pained your ears, your face cringing slightly as she shouted.

"You are fired..."

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