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The obnoxious clang of the screen door caused JJ's head to snap to the entrance of the Chateau, his eyes narrowing on Scarlett's figure.

"Where the fuck have you been?" JJ yelled.

The brunette massaged her temples, trying to rid herself of the pounding headache she was nursing. "Out, okay? Jeez."

"You should've told one of us."

Scarlett shot him an icy glare. "Don't try to guilt trip me, Maybank. It's not like you even noticed when I left yesterday."

JJ felt a pang of regret at her words. It was true; he hadn't realized she'd walked away since he'd been too busy staring at Kiara. JJ clenched his fists as he recounted how happy his former friend looked, completely oblivious to how broken she'd left the Pogues, especially Scarlett. After Kiara had ditched them, Scarlett had undoubtedly taken it the hardest, and it was months until JJ saw her genuinely smile again. He hated seeing Scarlett hurt, so whenever he saw Kiara, he always had the urge to stomp over and ask her how she was able to leave them so easily. How she was able to leave Scarlett, her best friend, so easily, but he never did.

"I'm fine, see?" She gave him an exaggerated twirl to drive in her point. "And I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to snap at you," a small smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth. "I think I just needed to get laid."

"And?" JJ asked, trying not to let his envy seep into his words.

"Meh," she shrugged. "Pretty okay."

JJ ignored the jealousy bubbling up in his stomach, forcing out a laugh. "Pretty okay?"

"A bit too vanilla for my taste," Scarlett said, only half-joking.

"Ooh, kinky."

A yawn caused the two to jump, turning to face a disgruntled John B standing in the doorframe.

"Well good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty," Scarlett giggled.

John B flipped her off, trudging into the kitchen to grab a couple of beers for the three. "I feel like I got hit by a fucking bus."

"Ditto," Scarlett sipped her drink, savoring the way the cool liquid burned her throat. "So I was thinking today we'd head out on the HMS, pick up Pope, and I can show y'all this sick cliff diving spot I found a while back. I've been waiting to try it out so I could experience it with you guys."

JJ hummed in approval. "Figures, you've always been an adrenaline junkie."

"Is that a bad thing?" Scarlett attempted to sound sarcastic, but cringed when she heard small slivers of insecurity leak through. She'd always been slightly self-conscious of her carelessness; it always managed to land her in dangerous situations that she always blamed on her recklessness.

"No, no," JJ frantically denied, pulling her into his embrace and placing a firm kiss to the crown of her head. "We love your adventurousness. You wouldn't be you without it," he rambled, trying to reassure her.

"He's right, Scar," John B added. "We love you and your crazy self, and we wouldn't have it any other way."

A dopey grin tugged at the corners of her lips. "Awe, you guys!" She threw her arms around each of their shoulders, having to stand on her tip-toes to reach them before eventually giving up. "Y'all are the best, but enough of this emotional shit! Let's go pick up Pope and go check out that cliff."


"Get in, Bitch!" Scarlett hollered as the teens docked outside of Heyward's. "Mandatory Pogue meeting!"

SHARKBAIT  // JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now