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"JJ Maybank, you blond little troll, put me down!" Scarlett pounded her fists against the blond's back as he threw her over his shoulder.

"Not until you take it back!"

"Take what back? That I said Rafe is totally packin-"

A loud squeal escaped her lips when she suddenly felt cold water envelope her body. Kicking her legs, Scarlett's head quickly broke through the surface, sputtering and coughing in attempts to rid her lungs of the liquid she'd accidentally inhaled. "You're a piece of shit. You know that, right?"

JJ shot her an innocent look. "My hand slipped," he shrugged. "Maybe if you admitted that you were wrong, my hands could've been less slippy."

"Why would I take it back when it's so obviously true?" She smirked, knowing she was getting under his skin. "God, what I would do to feel his di-"

"Can we please stop talking about Rafe Cameron's dick?" Pope cut in. "I'm begging you. Please just talk about literally anything else."

Scarlett didn't answer, instead outstretching her hand for JJ to pull her back onto the HMS Pogue. It was obvious what she was going to do, yet JJ pretended to fall for it, eager to feel her soft hands in his even if it was only for a few seconds.

A wide grin etched itself on Scarlett's face as she pulled JJ into the water with her, immediately erupting into a fit of giggles. "Payback's a bitch, Blondie."

The blond shook his head, causing little droplets of water to spray all over her. The two quickly launched into a massive splash fight, the salty water stinging their eyes as each tried to gain the upper hand. When they finally grew too tired to continue, both their legs sore from treading for so long, they boarded the boat. Scarlett playfully snatched JJ's shirt from its spot, pulling it over her head and sprawling out across the bow of the Pogue.

"Thief," JJ childishly pouted, taking a seat beside the brunette and placing her head in his lap.

Scarlett hummed contently. Her eyes fluttered shut and a lazy smile graced her lips at the feeling of his calloused fingers threading through her damp locks, untangling the knots that had formed. It was therapeutic, something they both did to one another whenever the opportunity presented itself.

JJ took a moment to admire the delicate features of her face. Her honey brown skin glowed in the sunlight, deeply tanned with a galaxy of freckles sprinkled across her cheeks from the numerous hours she spent outside under the blazing sun. Slowly removing one of his hands from her hair, JJ gently began to gently trace the dips and curves of her face. His finger trailed over the bridge of her nose and the outlines of her dimples, a soft smile creeping onto his face as he took in her natural beauty.

The gradual rise and fall of her chest indicated she had dozed off, though JJ had yet to remove his hands from her hair and face.

"You're staring," John B snickered as he watched his best friend fawn over the brunette girl in his arms.

JJ shot him a glare before returning his gaze to the Scarlett's face. "I can't believe freshman year's already over," JJ said, purposely ignoring John B's earlier statement. The Pogues had just completed their freshman year at Kildare High School, and were already dreading the idea of returning to school in the fall.

"Yeah, like you ever went to school," Pope scoffed, taking a sip of his beer.

"At least I went more than Scar did," JJ snipped. It was true. Scarlett barely ever showed up to school, despite the gang's consistent pleas for her to do so. None of them really knew why she skipped so often, only ever showing up when she knew she was on the brink of getting held back a year. They'd brought up the subject numerous times, but each time were swiftly shot down and had to deal with her sour mood for the remainder of the day, so no one really pushed it. Instead, they chose to take the naive route and tell themselves it was just because she really disliked school, though, deep down, they all knew there was more to it.

SHARKBAIT  // JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now