Why | Im Nayeon

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Nayeon stare at the apartment building in front of her before entered. She went to the owner's room and asked for a certain apartment key. The owner was hesitating at first but seeing her looking so confident and fearless, allow himself to hand her the key.

Nayeon thanked him before went to the lift and go to the floor where a lot of things had happened. It's only took a few seconds before she arrived and the lift door open. The latter went out and walk towards the place.

She then stop in front of a certain door numbered ‘363’.

The girl hold the doorknob and all the past memories passed by her head. She let go. Nayeon close her eyes and take a deep breath in before exhale deeply then open her eyes back. The latter unlock the door and slowly, open it up.

The familiar strawberry aroma surround the apartment, she turn on the lights and close the door behind her.

“Still the same...” she spoke. It was ordinary. Couches, TV, dining table, plates, beds— everything still there but dusty. Nayeon look around while the past memories playing inside her mind. She went inside a room and turn on the light. Everything still sits on their original place but were covered in dust. She looks around, check inside every drawers in the room.

Then she found a familiar sketch book. She took it and look at the contains. It was her. Draw by the one person that she used to love. The book, it was filled with herself and unique drawings.

Nayeon smiled, recalling the sweet memories in her head.

As she turn to another page, a folded paper fell. The girl look down on it before pick it up. She sits on the bed and unfold the paper.

“ If you found this letter, it means the worst has passed.

But, I wanted to explain why I did what I did to you.

You see, I lied to you. I actually wasn't an ordinary lonely depressed girl. I was part of a gang. We had done a lot of crimes, more than you can imagine. I believed I would die alone.. Until....I met you. A next door naïve girl who accidentally burnt her kitchen off. I cursed you for your stupidity but eventually went in to save you.

A week later, you saw me playing piano and begged me to teach you.

You saw the beauty within a gangster like me. You gave my worthless soul a purpose. You made me feel loved, wanted. I lived the best moments of my life with you. I have never thought I could love anyone. But I did.

I fell in love with you.

But each day passed by, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.  Your Safety.

What will the gang do if they knew about us? I decided to leave them. They didn't like it and began to hunt me down. They eventually knew about you and that's when I knew I couldn't keep you safe anymore.

They kidnapped you.. And try to poison you for information. I had no choice but to make you hate me. I didn't deserve your pure innocent love. But I couldn't be selfish and put you in danger. The gang shouldn't know I have a weak spot.


I had to break your heart. I had to make you never want to see me again. They eventually found you and that's when I know breaking up with you wasn't enough.

I had to disappear.

I am so sorry my dear Nayeon.

I'm so sorry I'm not the angel you painted in your head.

But I promise, I will take a revenge. And make those fuckers pay for what they've done to you.  I love you. Im Nayeon.”

Nayeon stare at the letter and chuckled bitterly. She fold it back and put it inside her pocket. Then she begin to continued checking your things and saw a familiar silver bar pendant necklace with your name on it.

Nayeon smile and put it around her neck .

Nayeon lock the apartment and walk to lift and went down. She return the key to the owner. He smiled warmly and she reply it before went out.

She get in her car and put your sketch book at the passenger seat that she brought from your apartment. The girl smiled and drive back to her house.

“I love you, Son Y/n. I always do”

This is actually based on a video titled ‘Out of Reach edited by A Girl Editor (credits for her). Please check out her vids. It's hella awesome.


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