My one and only | Im Nayeon

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Nayeon's POV

Everyone are the same. Not even one person caught my attention. Why? Because they love me only because of my beauty.

But.. There's this one person that really caught my eyes.

Finally, after years of waiting, the love of my life finally show up.

Really...really gorgeous.

Her bright smile, tall figure, long black silky hair that falls perfectly on her face with humble, kind, friendly personality. Everything about her are so beautiful.

She once approach me days ago when I forgot my necktie and there's Mr Kang, our discipline teacher guarding the gate and I started to get panicked. But suddenly she came to my front and take of hers before put it on me.

She didn't look scared at all.

Smiling genuinely at me and said "Here, I saw you was about to get panic attack just now."

We both walk side by side but she was stopped and I was so thankful to her. Since that day, we hang out a lot. She is so funny and cute. Without me knowing, I started to fall for her.

One day, I confessed to her. She didn't say anything and had this unreadable face makes me giving up hope before she pull me close and kiss me.

I close my eyes and wrap my arms around her neck.

The next day, everyone saw us hand in hand and immediately know we're dating.


We graduated together and decided to live in the same roof.

Years passed.. She bring me to a beautiful place before kneel in front of me and asked me to marry her. Me, ofc I said yes before kiss her.

We're engaged for 3 years before we officially married.

Everything was great.. Being inseparable, Became each other's priority and does everything together... It was just, Beautiful.

Not until one day.. She started to go home late at night and always didn't come home.

Her mood changed fast and always on her phone. She started to act cold towards me and I'm curious. One day I asked her why and she said something hurtful.

"I don't think this is working anymore Nayeon.."

"What do you mean??!"

"I don't love you anymore. My love for you is fading. I started to meet someone else because I know you're not the one."

I slapped her.

"How dare you said that to me.."

"You're so fucking selfish" "I gave you my everything and this is what you gave me? A fucking BULLSHIT?!"

I look at her face but she avoiding my eye contact.

I clenched my fists before stomp towards the kitchen, take a knife before run to her. She widen her eyes and tried to run away but I jump on her and stab her shoulder. She groan in pain and fall on the ground. I get up before sit on her stomach and...

Stab her heart..

She look at me in shock and pain.

"It's okay my love... You will be with me.. Forever.. I will not bury you.. I want us to be buried together.. With my body..

We can be one, my love...

I love you.

My one and only..

IM Y/n.


What do you mean by me inside you Nabongs???


- Chelsea.

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