Words | Park Jihyo (Pt1)

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"Hey cripple!"

You fasten your step but their footsteps were running towards you. And before you even noticed, you felt hands push you from the back in a strong force makes you fall. "Aww look at this poor girl~ How disgusting! Why do you even went here.? This school isn't for a cripple like you deaf kid. Bring your stupid hearing thingy and get out from my school!" Soyou (A/N: Not the beautiful Soyou that you know ok... Don't worry) shouted makes you startled.

They keep and judging you while you already on your feet. You take your bag and just went away. You act as if you don't care when you know their words really hits you. You tried to get those offensive words away from your mind but you just can't.

No one ever tried to talk to you. Cause they thought talking to you will make them look super stupid.

"M-m-mother I'm h-home.." You stuttered. It just a year ago when you got your hearing aids because your mother finally own enough money to buy it so it's just only a few months you learnt talking makes you stutter for no reason.

"Oh y/n honey, how's school?" She greeted before take your bag and went to the living room with you. Both of you sit on the floor, facing each other with foods in front of you. You didn't say anything and just look at her. "M-mother... Am I a-a-a crip-pple?" You asked. Her eyes softened at the sight of her daughter got mentally abused again by other teens.

"No honey.. You are a beautiful girl full with talents. An intellectual and positive thinker who is very pure hearted and a ball full of innocence. You are a gifted child. Don't let their words hits your heart. Ignore them and only focus to be the best for you and me,Okay?" She hold your hands and gently rubs them. You smile at her as tears roll down your cheeks. "O-okay mother.. T-t-thank you"   "Now eat. You need to eat well. I don't want you to get sick" she said and you nodded before dig in.

Your mother stare at you as a small smile crept on her lips "I love you.." She whispered and eat.


You sit at you small study table and make some revisions for tomorrow's classes.

"Should I go out? I want to have some fresh air.." You thought. You then get up before went to your mother's room. "M-mother, can I g-g-go out? I w-want some fresh a-air" you said. Your mother smiled and nodded "But please be careful, don't get hurt" she said with full of worries. You reply her smile and nodded. You went out from your house wearing a white T-shirt, long pants and sandals. You walk at the walking side beside the river and calming your mind.

You look around, glancing at the random cars you saw then imagining you owning one and drive around the Seoul with your mother with your car.

You smiled before suddenly you feel a strong grip on your left shoulder makes you turn around. And before you even notice, a lips laid on yours. Your eyes widen as you froze there didn't know what to do. But then a group of teenagers run towards your way. You quickly close your eyes, waiting something to happen but you just heard they said


"This couple is cute"

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