《 Chapter Eight 》

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     The objectives were simple, I needed to leave as soon as possible, and I needed to take Luke and Leia with me. It would be much harder to smuggle three people off the planet, especially when two of the three where unable to walk, and cried loudly and constantly, then if it had just been me, but I wouldn't leave the children with Vader. Who knows what he would do? He had killed children before, and with me gone, there would be nothing stopping him from killing his own. I wasn't taking any chances, so they would have to come, despite the risk and added trouble.

     I had been working out the logistics for weeks, as I continued to fake a slow recovery. My plan was to continue to fake weakness, even after I felt fine, which was the easiest part.  The second step would be to get the droid out of the room, or, more likely, out of comition long enough to get Luke and Leia. Then, the hardest part would be actually getting out of the building. The windows in my previous room had been practically impenetrable, but I hadn't been able to check these yet. There was a chance that they would assume that a person weak enough to be in the medical ward, wouldn't be strong enough to break and climb out a window that was eight feet up. I would have to come up with a backup plan if they were however. The final step then would be to steal a ship, and fly it off this hell of a planet without being caught, which, in turn, meant stealing a blaster, and/or a disguise.

     Well, today was the day to put my plan in action. Why? Because I couldnt stand waiting any longer. Today also happened to be the day that the twins turned two months old. I didnt want anymore time for Vader to come to his senses that it had been two months, and I still wasn't well enough.

     I woke up, and knew that today was the day for action. I bathed and dressed, and ate the breakfast that I was brought. Then when the droid returned to make his report, a daily acurence, I hit him with the metal tray, removed his head from the body, and crushed both under my foot. There was no turning back now.

     I then walked to the door, and opened it, I was met my two troopers.

     "Um, I think the droid is malfunctioning." I said,

     "I'll go check it out." The one on the left replied, the other nodded. I closed the door behind us when we entered.

     "He's right over there."

     "What-" He began after spotting the scrap pile that had been a droid. I hit him over the head with the metal tray as hard as I could, and he fell to the ground. I then removed his blaster, and hid it on my being. So far, everything was going to plan. The thrill of the whole thing was something I had almost forgotten. Though the severity of the situation, and the fact that I was trying to escape from my former husband who was now a murderer and a dictator, with our two children, made me gain my composure.

     I thought about whether I should break the window now, or after I had the twins, ultimately decideding on the later. There was still another trooper outside, and though it was a bigger risk to my plan since I didnt know if the windows even would break. I was going to wait, because I  was already in pretty deep, a few steps more wouldn't change much. I checked to make sure the trooper was fully unconscious, and then I took a deep breath, set the tray down, and headed back to the door. I only opened it enough to slip outside.

     "The trooper said he knew a bit of mechanics, he's trying to fix the droid, it might take a while though." I lied, not a very convincing lie, but he seemed to buy it anyway. "Now let me through, I need to feed the twins."  This was normal, and I made sure to keep my abrasive tone and demeanor that I usually had, as not to seem suspicion. He nodded and led me to the room just down the hall. Standing outside as I entered.

     The guards were not allowed to enter the room for any reason while I was feeding the twins. And since I never said when I was feeding them or when I was not, they never came in while I was in there. However the female maid who looked after them was allowed to, and did. The rule I had logically assumed, had come from Vader, as it seemed like something he might have done. Not wanting even the possibility of them potentially seeing anything. It was very unnecessary, and had Anakin written all over it. I had figured out about this rule quiet a while ago, and today it would work in my advantage.

     I closed the door behind me, upon entering, leaveing the guard in the hall, and let out a long breath I had been holding the whole time. So far, everything was going as planned, but one wrong move could screw everything up. One ill timed visit from the maid, or a number of other things. I had escaped from many places before, but from this point forward, I would be carrying the two most precious people in the world to me. Who happened to be too small and helpless to defend themselves, and I would be putting them in danger. Anything could go wrong.

     –And of course, something did go wrong, but nothing I had planned for. Something very unexpected, and unwanted–

     However, I needed to do this, I couldnt stay here as a prisoner. And there was no way my children were going to grow up here either. With Vade, on this desolate planet. Over my dead body. And by now, there was no turning back anyway. I turned  around to get the twins and froze instantly as my gaze met a shadowy figure crouched over the twins crib.


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