《 Chapter Six 》

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I'd killed him.

I had been planning on killing him, but not yet. I had killed him before he could tell me how to save Padme. Would she now die because of my recklessness?

I ran over to her limp body on the ground. Her face was pale and her breathe was weak. She unconscious, and I wondered if she would even survive. I couldn't let her die. I couldn't let her die, when I had been so close to saving her. The galaxy that I now ruled, would mean nothing if it had caused her death.

I picked her up, and carried her to the door. It opened at the sound of my voice. I yelled at the guards standing outside to alert the medical room, to be prepared and they ran ahead.

When I reached the medical room, the droid is and machinery were all powered up. I set Padme down on the operation table, and a medical droid began to scan her.

*She is weak, and barely hanging on to her life.* The droid said, in its robotic voice.

"Well can you do something!"

*As soon as she wakes up, we will need to act quickly if we have any chance of saving the children.*

"Children?" I repeated,

*She is carrying twins.* Twins. Twins!

"Will she surive?"

*There is no way to be sure. But the probabilities are not in her favor.* The droid replied, I smashed my fist against the wall. How had I been so stupid! I had killed the only person in the galaxy who could have saved her.

"Alert me the second she waked up! And the second anything else changes!" I yelled to the droid, and the two clone troopers.

"Yes sir." They replied in unison. I stormed out of the room. If there was any way of saving Padme still left. I would find it.

I entered Sidios's private library, slicing through the door, after it had denied me access. There were rows and rows of books, each giving off a strong dark ora. It would take days to find anything in here! I regretted having not killed my Master sooner.

I poured through book after book, looking for anything related to death, life, healing, or Dath Plagues, whom had been the one to figure such secrets out. But every time I came up empty. I threw one against the wall, in anger. My com buzzed.

"Lord Vader, sir, she just woke up."

I was too late.

I opened my eyes to blaring lights and searing pain on almost every inch of my being. The last thing I remembered was Vader running in a blocking the Emperor's force lighting with his light saber. What had happened? Where was I? Where was Vader, was he okay?

I was alive, I knew that. So Vader had saved my life. Why would he do that? He had told me he still loved me, but I hadn't been able to believe him, because who don't imprison someone you love. But did he really still? Had he defeated the Emperor, or had the Emperor defeated him?

     My eyes began to adjust to the light, and I started to be able to make out shaped and objects. However to pain didn't lessen at all, and I could barely move anything in turn. I saw machinery, and what looked like some sort of medical equipment. Was I in a medical center? When they fully adjusted my theory was confirmed, I was in some sort of medical center or room. I could then also see two clone troopers guarding the door. I was still a prisoner even now.

     Suddenly the door burst open. And a dark figure entered. Vader. I didn't know whether to be fearful or glad. He had saved my life, but I was still his prisoner. And he was still Vader, not Anakin.

     "You're awake, are you okay?"

     "Not really," I replied, "Now do you see what you get for trusting people like that? Palpatine tried to kill me, and our child! Dont you see how he has manipulated you?"

     "My Master is dead, I am the Emperor now, and no one will hurt you."

     "You are hurting me. You have make me a prisoner, and have taken away everyone I ever loved. You, are just as bad as your Master."

     "I saved you!"

     "From Palpatine, but he was not the one who caged me up like an animal."

     "Everything I did was for you!" 

     "Then stop holding me prisoner."

     "I can't do that."

     "Anakin would have, the man I loved would have. I hate who you have become, and I hate you."

"You don't hate me." He seemed a hurt by my words, which suprised me.

     "I do, if it weren't for what you did, I wouldn't be in so much pain right now. Palpatine sent the lightning, but you brought me to Palpatine."

     "I saved your life! I killed the Emperor, for you!" He stormed out of the room.

The medical drone came floating by a minute later. *Your vitals are dropping, and we will need to have a c-section if we want to be sure to save the children.*

      "Do anything you need to save, the, did you say children?"

     *Yes, congratulations, you are carrying twins* It then floated away.

Twins, I was haveing twins! Two precious babies, but what kind of world would they be living in? It wasn't a world I wanted to be in, let alone a world in which I wanted my children to live in.

I raged with anger. How could this ungrateful woman hate me? I had done everything for her, I had just saved her life not even two hours ago! I felt betrayed, by her and by my own emotions. I loved her, but I hated her coldness toward me. I punched the wall in frustration, then slashed at it with my lightsaber. Why did she hate me? What had I done to deserve her hatred? I had done nothing wrong!

My com link buzzed. "Lord Vader, they are beginning the birth." I headed back to the room. She may not love me anymore. But I had to be there for the birth. This is when she had died in my visions. And even though I didnt quite know how, I would have to save her, useing my new powers. Then she might love me.

A/N What do you think of the book so far? I'd love to hear your opinions, do you think Padme will survive? Will Anakin go back to the light, or will she join him in the dark? Let me know I N the comments!

This is a really fun book to write, I love Vader, especially still torn between the light and dark and still in love Vader. The conflict, the possibilities! Should he turn good? Or stay and raise Luke and Leia as sith? Oh you have no idea what's coming! 😈🔥




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