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Dracos pov

I wasn't paying attention. I was to busy staring at the way harry ran and jumped for the ball. The way his body moved. The way he smiled when he seen me looking. Just harry being himself.

"Draco! Wake up pretty boy!" Cedric yelled throwing the ball at me. I wasnt able to react in time but harry ran in front of me and caught it before dribbling it to our goal and scoring. Ron sighed angrily

"Stop it harry!"

"What I'm not doing anything!"

"You're winning!"

"Whoops, sorry. Comes naturally" harry jokingly said and pretend to do a hair flip. Ron flipped him off, making harry flip him off too

"Oh grow up!" Pansy and cho yelled from the sidelines. Harry laughed and threw the ball starting of another round.

"And we win again!" Cedric yelled and ran over to Ron

"Haha redhead. Oh you not like that? Hm? Hm?" Cedric said pushing his chest into Ron's. Harry rolled his eyes and pulled Cedric back

"Mate you're horrible" harry mumbled but also trying not to laugh.

"And that's why you're friends with me" Cedric said taking the ball from me and scoring a goal before flipping Ron off. Harry smirked and turned around to face me

"Why are we the only normal ones here" he said as blaise fell to the ground and screamed like it was a murder scene and Neville pulled out his phone and started to look up any tricks to throw them off. I laughed

"You're not acting normal"

"Yeah well at least I say something instead of standing there" he said crossing his arms over his chest. God how I wanted to kiss him right now...

"Harry!" Luna called

"Oh hey luna!" Harry said smiling at her. Oh what you dont know harry...

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me 'Mione and cho tonight?"

"Ah.. I would but it seems like a girl thing"

"Oh no you're welcome to anything"

"Sorry but I think I'll stay home tonight"


"He said no luna! Go away so we can play another game" Cedric said pushing her away. Harry shrugged at me when he seen me looking at him and took the ball from Cedric and started the next game.

"We win. Again. Haha!" Cedric yelled as I scored the finishing goal

"Let's just call it a day, you're all getting a little bit.... crazy" i said as blaise and Neville dramatically yelled in anger and Ron was looking like he was going to murder. Harry nodded his head, although slight worry was in his eyes. I sighed and grabbed my bag

"I'm walking you home" I said. He nodded his head and grabbed his own belongings and said goodbye to his friends and walking away with me. Once we were far enough away he took my hand and squeezed it

Harry's pov

*abuse coming up*

I walked into my house and tried to get upstairs quick but the voice I was now scared of called me


I sighed and walked into the living room where dad sat on the couch

"What are you wearing?" He spat

"Ah..." I looked down at my outfit. There was nothing wrong with it. Just my white jumper and blue ripped Jean's

"Its disgusting!" He yelled. I didnt know what to say or do. He growled and grabbed my bag and ripped it from my shoulder.

"Ha what's this?" He asked pulling out my sketchbook. My heart jumped into my throat.

"Who's that?!" He yelled turing the page around to where I had drew draco and hermione had drew little hearts around him as a joke

"A friend" I mumbled

"A friend" he mocked before ripping the page out of my book and threw it in the fire. The soon started ripping all the pages out and throwing them into the fire

"Stop!" I yelled trying to get my book back. He only laughed and threw the hole book into the open fire.

"Wh-" I gasped watching as the flames wrapped around the sides of the book and slowly pulled it into ashy nothingness. He laughed again and threw me on the floor

"I never asked for a gay son. But yet I'm stuck with you" he ripped my jumper

"This is bloody ugly!" He screamed and threw it in with the book. He then kicked me in my stomach

"Disgusting!" He said spitting on me and kicking me in the nose and then the eye. And then my stomach again, and again. I then threw up.

"You're disgusting and should be ashamed!" He said kicking my chest harder then he had the rest and walked out of the room. I lay there unable to move. My body felt weak. I was weak.

I soon was able to sit up making myself stand. I went up to my room and gasped at how horrible I looked, my chest had a massive purple bruise and my stomach many more. My eye wasnt as bad but still had green bruising and my nose was bleeding all over my chest and pants. There was a tapping at my window again. Oh no not now. I ignored him and just stood watching the blood drop and the tears fall from my eyes. Suddenly I heard foot steps walking into my bathroom, I jumped thinking it was dad but it was draco. Draco gasped and stared at me with wide eyes

"Harry.. what did that asshole do?!" He mumbled. I just started crying more. He grabbed a towel from my cupboard and started to clean the blood from me and held my hand. He held the towel against my bleeding nose and looked at my stomach and chest, he now had tears in his eyes

"I'll kill him"

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