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Draco ran out of his last class as the bell went and ran onto the basketball court. He and blaise had agreed to practice a little after school so they would be sure to win the next game.

Draco ran out to see blaise already shooting hoops. Draco grabbed the ball from blaise and dribbled it all the way to the other side of the court and shot the goal. He smirked and flipped blaise off. Pansy rolled her eyes at her friends and grabbed out her science homework, she would rather not get in trouble with Mr. Snape.

"Hey boys look! It's the boy you two go crazy over! What's his name? Larry?" She said pointing over at harry and Cedric

"Its harry!" They both said angrily, she smirked

"Y'know you two are stupid! You both are obsessed over the same guy! Why doesn't one of you take him and one of you take his friend?"

"Because we both like harry Pansy" blaise said rolling his eyes. Pansy smirked and went back to her homework. Once the boys had practiced for a bit draco noticed hermione and luna walking over to the two boys. Draco stoped and stared at them. Oh how draco hated Granger! Okay so maybe harry was straight, but draco still wanted to rip that girl in half. She was dating his harry. Blaise threw the ball at dracos head

"I would love to stand and stare with you but we need to practice" blaise said. Draco rolled his eyes

"Pansy! Come be defense?" He called out. She looked up at them angrily



"You know what" she said getting up and walking straight past them to harry. Draco and blaise wanted to stop her but their feet acted as if they were frozen to the ground.

"Harry? Right?" She asked when she had made it up to the group

"Yeah?" Harry asked

"Do you know how to play basketball?"

"Ah.. yeah me and Cedric practice sometimes.... why?"

"Draco and blaise need help, coming?" She asked harry and now Cedric as well. Harry shrugged and Cedric got up and helped his friend up

"I'm gonna kill you for making us do this" harry said to Cedric making his friend laugh

"There you go, two against two!" Pansy said happily. Blaise and draco quickly put on their "bad boy" masks draco pointed to the goal that was on the other end of the court.

"Your goal" he said and then pointed to the one closest to them

"Our goal" Cedric gleard as draco suddenly started to dribble the ball getting ready to shoot a goal, harry quickly ran and smoothly was able to get his hand on the ball as it came back from the ground and dribbled the ball to the other side and scored a goal.

"Why didnt you tell me you could do that asshole?!"Cedric yelled. Harry cought the ball as if came down from the hoop and shrugged. Draco was staring at him in shock. He never could have thought that Harry Potter was so good at playing a sports game. Harry walked back over and smirked at draco knowing how confused and shocked he was

"That's what you get for cheating assholes!" Cedric yelled at draco and blaise. Harry laughed and threw the ball at draco. Draco caught it and smirked

"Me and harry in a team" he said. Blaise gleard at him and Cedric rolled his eyes

"Dont even think of turning this softy-" he walked over to harry and grabbed his cheeks "-into one of your bad boys!" He said then wrapping his arms around harry. Harry sighed angrily and playfully rolled his eyes

"I'm not a softy!" He mumbled. Cedric laughed and pulled away from him

"Yes you are"


"Yes" draco said. Harry sighed angrily

"See, you and your cute little angry sighs" Cedric said smirking. Harry rolled his eyes and hit Cedric over the head before snatching the ball from draco

"So are we playing?"

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