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Brooks' horse's hooves ate the land up with every step. For two months now he had traveled from earldom to earldom across all of Averie surveying villages and lands and the shares of crops and goods for his father. He had trinkets from every earl for his father. After so long traveling he was looking forward to a real bath, sleeping in a bed, a good meal, and a kiss from his betrothed. He spurred his horse on faster, his men left being to guard the carriage of goods from thieves.

As he neared Averie he smelled the tantalizing smells wafting in the air. He could see the lights of the castle shining in the night and spurred his horse on. Upon approaching the courtyard he heard laughter and music and heard sounds of dancing. He saw carriage after carriage lined in rows in front of the castle and late arrivals sweeping in wearing fabulous gowns and finely tailored suits.

Brooks halted in front of the stables and dropped from his horse at the sight of a stable boy.

"What is the meaning of this?" Brooks demanded. He could almost taste the roasted pig and calf in the air and his stomach roared in protest.

The lad caught the reins. "Your brother has come home and your father has thrown a grand party because he has received him back safe and sound."

Brooks was furious. He called one of the servants to bring his father out to see him.

He did not wait long before his father appeared. The duke embraced his son but Brooks stood stiff as a board.

"Son, welcome home! Come, come join the festivities. Oh, how happy Miss Roslin will be to see you."

Brooks did not move. He glared at his father, his breath hard and even. "No."

"My boy, what is bothering you?"

"Father, all those years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never gave me a grand party celebrated me. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property and wasted your wealth on prostitutes and reckless living, here you are throwing a ball -for him! You serve a feast! What is it I have not done that he has? I fought in the war as a knight by your side. I lead an earldom under your command. I do everything you say, even leave my betrothed on the dawn of our engagement to survey your realm. And yet Zacary does nothing and you love him more. He ran away, Father! He took half your money and wasted it. But when he comes back you do what? Throw your gates open and invite everyone to come to see your son?" Brooks scoffs a hard laugh and looks incredulously at his father. He feels like he is a child again working for his father's attention and never stepping into the spotlight of his mother's.

"Son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours to enjoy. It is only right to celebrate like this and be overjoyed because this brother of yours was once dead and gone, but now he is alive and back with us again. He was lost but now he is found. If it had been you who left me I would have searched high and low and when you finally came back to me I would have embraced you and thrown a party and served a feast. You are my son, my heir. I love you and I love your brother and nothing could change that."

Brooks stared open-mouthed at his father.

The duke smiled and stretched out his arms. Brooks ran in and his father held him tenderly. And Brooks cried. 

"Such is a father's love," he whispered. "One day you will understand."

The castle door opened and Beth flew down the stairs. Brooks looked up and broke away from his father in time to catch his angel as she flew into his arms. He bent down and before he closed his eyes to kiss her he smiled at his father. The duke turned slowly to walk back to the castle.

Beth smiled up at Brooks. "Oh, how I have missed you!"

He snuggled into her hair and breathed in deeply. "We must get married soon so next time you can come with me."

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