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The mia knew she was ill before the symptoms appeared. Sleeplessness had haunted her for nights now. No travelers rode in such cold weather and the mia had barely foraged enough to whet Prosper's appetite. She had wrapped Prosper in every scrap of cloth that she did not have to keep on her back. The weakness set in first, then the mia began to lose consciousness periodically which worried her to no end. Finally, the hot and cold spells made her at one minute wish to jump in the river and the next set her ablaze for warmth. Those days she barely cared for Prosper much less herself. She found herself praying often.

God did not show himself. She began to grow delirious with headaches plaguing her. Day and night blended together and the mia slept through everything. Her entire body felt sore and called out to God to care for her baby.

When the mia awoke in the night with her symptoms suddenly gone, she did not enough energy to marvel. She was so weak she could barely open her eyes to look upon Prosper. The little girl slept peacefully underneath blankets and was no longer starving. The next morning the mia will awake to find a note of forgiveness from her brother. She had lost consciousness for five days and been sick for nine. And by some miracle, she was alive and awake and well. She could do nothing but thank God for his faithfulness, grace, and mercy before she fell asleep once more.

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Ryley was accustom to visitors. Those who sought wisdom, heavenly or earthly, came to him at all hours. He loved sharing his wisdom with all. however, Ryley hated being awake when he was sleeping in.

"'Ryley!" Rita whispered. "Young Zacary is here."

If he assumed it was a dream and ignored her he could savor five more minutes of rest. He snuggled deep under his quilt. Rita proceeded to thump him in the head. The light streaming in the window told him it was after seven. He moans and rolls out of bed. Hurried he slips on his shoes and throws his brown robe over his head.

The man seated in his study had his elbows on his knees and stared forlornly at the baby crawling on the floor. Ryley scooped up his daughter and sat at his desk.

Zac picked up his head. Worry danced in his eyes. "Ryley, does your outlook on life change when you become a parent?"

Ryley raises his eyebrows and sighs. "Zac, you have made many unhealthy decisions-"

"No, no, Ryley, it's not like that! Disregard that question." Zac breathes in deeply and slowly. "Ryley, while I was on my way home from wasting my father's money I was beaten to death. I own my life to the girl who saved me. My father's men have been combing the forest for more than a week and have not found her."

Ryley sat still and let Zac bask in silence.

"Tomorrow is the duke's masquerade. I wanted her home with her family by now."

Zac's green eyes had a wise depth when they hit Ryley's. "Is it wrong for me to go after her?"

Oh, the mia! If the young Holden could convince her to come home it would be a miracle. Ryley looks up and closes his eyes. Dear Lord, bring her home. Opening his eyes, he looks at the young man in front of him. The mia had touched him and changed him. Zacary obviously felt something for the mia, and Ryley wondered if Zacary could be the one to convince her to come home. Ryley often stayed up through the night worried about the young mother, while the wind howled or rain crashed down on his home. Every time one of his own children got a bump or cut or came down with a fever, anxiety rose over Prosper and her health. If Zac could bring her home...

"The Sunday morning that the duke announced your return, Angelica arrived in the wee hours at our doorstep with a feverish Prosper. She was so tired she collapsed. Prosper barely made it through the night."

Zacary closed his eyes and bowed his head letting his hands swing between his knees. So he cared for the baby just as much. Zacary looks up. "This whole time you knew she was living in the woods. That I was with her." I was an accusation, not even a question. Ryley could feel the young man bring to rile up.

"We knew she had a man who was injured." Rita quietly slipped through the door. "We knew not who it was."

"The whole time her family thought she was dead, you helped her survive in the woods." His voice rose and sharpened with every word. Rita stepped next to Ryley and placed a hand on his shoulder. He lifted the baby girl in his arms up to his wife and she cradled the babe to her shoulder.

Ryley was deadpan when he addressed Zac. "Angelica's father is not a good man."

Zac was about to steam when Rita said, "He would have killed Prosper."

Zac paused.

"We tried to convince her to leave Prosper in our care but she insisted on caring for her. That was almost two years ago."

Zac breathed out. "I have to go find her. She deserves better than this life." Zac stood but Ryley called out.

"Bring a couple of men with you. And leave a note to your father."

Zac nodded and left, the door swinging to a close when he left.

Ryley's eyes lifted to his wife who rocked their daughter. "He is in love with the mia, isn't he?"

Rita gave a small smile. "He is absolutely smitten with both girls who live in the woods." She sighs a little as the baby yawns. "I just hope that the mia feels the same or she will never come home."

Ryley stares at the door. "I have a good feeling that the boy isn't going to stop until the mia does."

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It was frigid. A wind storm had blown up and the blanket lean-to was not enough. The mia had no food, no water, and no shelter from the howling wind. Mia turned to the only shelter she knew of: the cave behind the waterfall. It was cold and wet but Prosper was now protected.

When Prosper began to wail Mia could no longer take it. She was the villain of this story. She stole a baby, ran away from her family and her home, disobeyed all authority, and stole from poor travelers who only packed just enough. On top of that, she was a horrible Christian. She had screamed at Brother Ryley, disobeyed her parents, taken the Lord's name, and many others in vain and stolen. Everyone knows villains. do not win and they never have happy endings. So why outrun the duke's men? Eventually, Zac or someone else would fin her and collect the prize.

"Jesus, does it have to be like this? You said to care for the orphans and that is what I am doing. Why then do you punish me?"

The mia began to cry. Emotions swirled together and she could not contain herself anymore. She decided to do something productive. She decided to collect water.

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