The Obligatory Field Trip One...

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This has got to be a nightmare.

That sentence was stuck in the young Avenger's head on repeat for the past eight weeks.

Yeah. Eight weeks.

Now, what kind of shitty situation must you be stuck in to have the same shitty sentence repeated over and over and over in your head?

Let me tell you: a field trip.

But not just any field trip.

A field to Stark's industry new science division quarters... Who's also an immediate neighbor to the Avengers compound...

But that's not all.

Since the building was quite up north, the school voted to make hotel reservations for a night so that the trip would be divided in two days.

But no: Mister Anthony Edward Stark thought it would be stupid to let eighty nerdy scient-y geeky teens waste money in an hotel.

That and apparently, his company was like Disney Land: how dare you spend only two days there.

So Tony motherfucking "I am Iron Man" Stark insisted that they stay for an ENTIRE week at his industry.

And where would eighty-three students, four teachers (including the school's principal!) and ten volunteer parents sleep?

Oh nowhere in particular.

Just the Avengers compound. On the same floor as the fucking Black Widow.

So how was Peter Parker feeling?

Like shit. 

This has got to be a nightmare.

This has got to be a nightmare.

You know what would be even worst?

If Peter Parker was Spiderman, the newest addition to the team of heroes and the only Avenger with a secret identity.

Oh wait.

"You cannot do this to me, dad!" He whined. "Mom! Do something!!"

Oh yeah.

And he was Tony Stark and Pepper Stark adopted son too.

You want a shitty situation?
Here you go.

"Sorry Peter, but you know how great an opportunity this is for your peers. We cannot canceled at the last minute too. You know how booked we are with school trips." His mom —Pepper— simply replied.

His dad simply smirked.

"We'll try not to embarrass you too much."

Wide eyes, face white as a sheet, sweat of horror running down his skin, Peter Parker shivered with fear.

"You monster."


"Ready for your lies to be exposed, Penis?" Mocked Flash.

This has got to be a nightmare.

Let me die now, please.

Three buses.

THREE buses.

And where was Eugene "Flash" Thompson?

Just in the same bus as him, unlike MJ and unlike Ned.

Fuck my life.

Yeah, Fuck his life.

"You know what Flash? If it turns out that this is a big ass scam and that I've been lying for the past three years, you can go all out buddy."

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