Babushka lady

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inspired by:
@cyndy_nerd 's book titled Domestic Avengers! chapter "My Aim is Incredible"
Meaning, the idea surrounding my oneshot came from their story. Go check it out!!



"— And to this day, the myth surrounding the haunting of America's presidential White House is still one of the country's biggest mysteries. Anyway, leave your theories in the comments down below! If you liked this video, like and-dash-or subscribe! My name's Mohammed and if you're a fellow Creep-head, stay tuned for more Scary Hazardous Coincidences, mysterious deaths and Horrendous Horror Stories! Bye!"

The video came to an end and Peter didn't hesitate to press his thumb on the like button.
MurderFantasia1693 was a channel he had just discovered last week and he was already subscribed and not just because he had seen  more than half of Mohammed's amazing materials already, but because he also really wished to see more. Normally he'd watched Buzzfeed unsolved's or Rob Gavagan's content, but late last night, he had accidentally tapped on MurderFantasia1693's incredible take on the Winchester house story. Nevertheless, Mohammed's voice, intonation and story telling skills were simply out of this world and Peter needed to see more.

Before YouTube could pop an add under his nose, he rapidly scrolled through the recommended where, just under a Simplynailogical video (He blamed Wanda for this) was content filled with Scary Hazardous Coincidences, mysterious deaths and Horrendous Horror Stories he had yet to watch. He didn't even need to read the name or even look at the thumbnail to know that this 15 minutes gem would be as incredible as the last thirty-four videos he had bingewatched that day: he already knew how awesome this video would be and the answer was very. In other words, the thumbnail could have been a mugshot of Joshua James —The guy who threw a live alligator as a "prank" through a Wendy's drive-through window in Florida (of fucking course it was in Florida, where else would it be? Montréal? Ah! Let me laugh!!) back in 2016— and he would have watch it anyway. By that the Author means that as long as there wasn't a red line signifying he had already done so, he would tap on it.

"Peter? Could you come help Steve, Bruce and I with the dishes? We're going to need more hands!" Called Sam from the kitchen.

With a classic teenage sigh, Spider-Man yelled back "Coming!" even though he had no intention of getting up any time soon. Ah. Teens. They're so hashtag-relatable! *ironic Dab*

Last night, Scott, Clint and Tony had made barbecue chicken on beer cans, a recipe from Scott's dad. Wanda and the Vision had prepared a huge salad, one with three kinds of lettuce (Romain, Kale and Rocket leaves), cucumber bites, shredded spaghetti squash, bits of corn and juicy segments of mandarin oranges. Of course, such a delicious meal couldn't not be accompanied by oven roasted potatoes, one of Sam's best (and only) recipe.
Now, try to imagine feeding one genius, one not-quite-vegan CEO, two super soldier as well as a teenager who had a fast and high metabolism, two very hungry God with huge appetite, two super spies, two military men, one radioactive scientist, one giant yet tiny heist master and one teenage witch. Now picture the amount of food.

Anyway, even if the Vision didn't eat, it was still a massive amount of food and a massive amount of dishes. Sure, they had a dishwasher, but not everything was dishwasher safe, as learned by Steve.

SPIDER-MAN (and Avengers) ONE SHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ