In my Dreams

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Okay so shadow travel was not a great plan. I certainly didn't make it to my cabin. Instead I seem to be dreaming. I was a top a cliff. It was sunset and the ocean stretched out below.

"Such a romantic view isn't it?" I turned to see a blonde women with freckles and blue eyes. She smelled of alchole rub and sea salt. She was sitting on a picnic blanket with a cup of tea. I knew who she was immediately.

"Aphrodite?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "What am I doing here?"

"I would of thought it was rather obvious." Aphrodite said in a voice that seemed to memorize me. "Having tea of course." She waved her hand I found myself sitting opposite her with a cup of tea in my hand. " Now that is better isn't it."

"Look I am not exactly your biggest fan. I mean the clothes were cool and your Pipes's mum. But I just can't trust you love Gods."

Aphrodite smiled at me. "No I don't imagine you would. Your love story so far has been cruel and tragic. But my dear that is how the best love stories start." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of tea. It was delicious. "Though I fear the one distroying your love life is you Nico...... not me."

I looked up sharply. " What do you mean?" I asked.

Aphrodite shrugged and indicated to my tea cup. " Take a look your self."

I look into the tea and a picture appeared. All of the sudden I was in the camp hospital. I was looking at myself asleep in the bed. I was covered in mud and leaves. There was a drip attached that I guess was unicorn horn. I looked grey and lifeless. Well....... even more then usual. My attention was drawn to the figure in the chair next to me.

Will was sitting there. His legs pulled up to his chest. His eyes were red and puffy. His clothes wrinkled and messy.  He was just staring at me.

"Any change?" Will and I wipped around to see Piper in the door way.

Will shooked his head. "No" he said simply.

Piper sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. " Look don't give up hope. He has survived so much. He will pull through."

Will looked at the ceiling like he was trying not to cry. "Its been 2 weeks." He said sadly. I felt myself go cold. I had been unconscious for 2 weeks.

"This was my fault." Will said softly. "I outed him and because of that he ran."

"Will it was an accident. The only bad guy here is that Brian kid." Piper said firmly.

"No he wasn't ready." Will shook his head. "I asked him out."

" Yeah and he said yes!" Piper said. "Nico chose to go out with you. If nothing else that kid has proven that no one makes him do anything."

Will smirked at that. He looked back over me and any trace of humor was gone. "I really thought I had helped. I really thought he would be okay. He promised Piper. He had promised he would not use his powers. I really thought he would keep that promise. I  guess I also thought he would stay." A flash of anger replaced the sadness. "I guess I wasn't enough for him to stay."

"Will no!" Piper began.

Will however stood up. "No it's fine. I will get him better. Then if he wants to leave....... if he wants to use his power........fine. As you say. No-one can make him do anything......... or stay apparently."

He walked out of the room. Leaving Piper and I alone. Piper looked at my body sadly. She then took a pink candle from her pocket and lit it. She prayed to her mum for my health and for my happiness. She prayed to her to help Will and I. She then blew out the candle and left too.

I was back on the blanket. Tea in hand. I felt terrible. I had freaked out and tried running like a coward. By doing so I broke my promise to Will and I had hurt him.

"Take a sip" Aphrodite suggested. "It will help." I did as she suggested and felt the warmth spread through my body.

"I should never have stayed." I said quietly. "I am obviously not suited to be around people."

"Oh pish posh!" Aphrodite said. Scones appeared with a flourish of her hand. " So you had a set back. You ran away and nearly died. No need to be just need to accept it."

"Accept what?" I asked.

"Your gay" she said with a sweet smile that reminded me of Will.

"I have accepted that I am gay." I said hotly.

Aphrodite smiled at me like I was child who said something silly. "have you really thought?"

"I......" I started but seemed to not be able to form the words. " You don't understand what it's like......when I was........"

Aphrodite laughed loudly but there was no humor in it. "Remember who you are talking too child." She fixed me with a stare. "I had to watch for centuries as love was denied to those who needed it......prayed for it."

She snapped her fingers and we were at camp half blood on the beach. I was looking at Will and I. I was in those ugly yellow PJs and he was sitting next me. His head on my shoulder.

"You have a chance that they never had........ are you really going to run away from it?" 

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