Just a scratch

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I took my shirt off and looked anywhere but Will. Will was not saying anything. I felt vulnerable and exposed. I knew what Will would be thinking .....too skinny, too pale, too well everything. Who cares what he thinks. I did, but I certainly did not want to admit it. The awkward silence  seemed to never end. "Look I know....." I began. I looked up at Will expecting disgust or indifference from the sunny teen. What I wasn't expecting was anger.

"You idiot!" I recoiled at his words. What happened? I looked up at Will and was confused to find him mad. Actually Will was furious. He shook his head, his lips were tight. "What the hell is wrong with you!"

"I don't under....." I started.

"Look what you have done to yourself!" He pointed at the werewolf scratches. "Why in all things Apollo would you not get this looked at?"

Will did not wait for an answer before storming off to the supply closet. He came back moments later with a new tray of supplies. "Lie down". I was unsure what else to do so I did what I was told. He pulled a stool close to the bed and set up his tray.

"What kind of creature did this?." He said curtly.

"Werewolf" I said quietly.

Will laughed but there was no humor in it, "only you Di Angelo." He began cuting the old stiches out. "This will hurt." He said quietly. Before flushing the wound.

I didn't flinch or make a sound. I just stared at the healer. "What did you mean? Only you?"

"I meant only you would be so stupid and stubborn not to get this treated. You should of come in immediately. Do you have any idea what werewolf scratches can do untreated?"

I shrugged and stared at the cealing as he continued to clean out the wound. "I have survived worse on my own." I said quietly.

"Not for much longer if you keep this up!" He began to sew me up. "How can you treat yourself like this" he shook his head in exasperation. "one of these days you will go to far and you will die!" I rolled my eyes at him. Who was he to lecture me. "But hey! We haven't had enough death this week what's one more?"

"Don't talk to me about death Blondie.  I am death. I felt every one. I did all their rights." I could feel my own anger rising defensively. I glared at Will but apparently being a scary kid of Hadies is not what it use to be.

"They gave their lives for this place and the people in it. That includes you!" Will finished my arm. He stood up and placed his hands on his hips. "they lost there lives Nico and YOU! are just throwing away yours because your too damn stubborn to take care of yourself or ask a friend for help!"

"You don't need to tell me that Solace. I was there. Fighting. Fighting harder and longer then anyone else."

"Good reason to get medical attention from a professional. My 6 year old sister could of done a better job"

"Why do you care?"

"Because your throwing away your life!"

"It's my life" I counted.

Will threw his hands up in frustration. Then he stood still for a moment. "Nico I am trying to help you! As your friend....."

"Your not my friend. You don't even know me!"

"Well I am trying to get to know you! But you are too busy being a jerk to notice!"

The room temp dropped and light went out. Will's face went from anger to concern. "Nico stop." The darkness beckoned to me. So cold..... so familiar. "Nico please! You will hurt your self!" It took a moment for me to recognise the fear in his voice. I released it and the room became bright and warm again.

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