Camp Fire

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"Awww Percy! I never thought this day would come!" Jason said pretending to wipe away a tear.

"I know!" Percy reached out to comfort Jason. "A little boy has all grown up and going on his first date."

They burst out laughing and I threw a chip at percy's head. "Your both morons! How you got Annabeth and Piper I'll never know."

"My irresistible charm!" Percy said. The inside of the burger he was eating choose this moment to fall out on his shirt. We all looked at each other for a second before erupting in laughter.

"Well this sounds like the fun table." My laughter died off and my stomach twisted and asked why had pizza for dinner. There stood Will, smiling and looking so cute it wasn't fair.

"Hey Solace." Jason called as he wipped his eyes. Percy waved. "Looks like it's bonfire time." He walked around the table and put a casual hand on Will's shoulder. "Make sure you get him home at reasonable hour."

Percy walked up to stand beside Jason. Gave Will a smile that did not reach his eyes. " Yes and if anything where to happen to a our brother that we do not like." They looked at each other for dramatic effect. " Consider yourself a dead man." With that they walked off leaving Will and I in a awkward silence.

I stood up from the bench. "Sorry about them." I said breaking the silence.

Will gave me a small smile. "I remember when Michael said something similar to my first date." He indicated with his head that we should start walking.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah he was an Aphrodite kid. Michael thought it was a good time to practice archery." Will laughed at the memory, then looked a little sad.

"How was the date?" I asked.

"Terrible!" He said. "the guy was soooo boring." He smiled at me. " That was when I made a rule no blind dates." He stopped and smiled at me. "Have to really like someone to ask them out."

I stood there, blushing, heat rising to my cheeks. "Ahhhh that's good.....ahh good rule."

Will looked amused and began to keep walking. "Anyway point is I get the big brother protective speech."

Not sure why I said it. Not exactly first date material. " He was reborn you know."

Will stopped and looked at me. "Who was?"

"Ummm Michael. I ahh check on campers who pass on and well Michael said he was going for rebirth." I stood there uncomfortably wondering if I had just freaked Will out.

"You spoke to him?" Will asked incredulously.

"Well yeah. Son of Hades. " I said.

"Was he......okay." Will asked.

"Well yeah.....he figured there were worse ways to die. Something about an epic explosion."

Will laughed and wiped a tear. " Yeah he was super into action movies....... wow."

"I am sorry...... I didn't mean to make you upset. " I said softly.

"You didn't," will put a hand on my shoulder, "just confirmed how amazing I think you are."

I blushed again under his gaze. "Ahhh  we should find a seat."


"This is nice." Will commented. We were sitting near the back. The sing along had started.

"Pfft if enjoy dorky singing." I replied.

"I do one is allowed shush you here." He said.

"I have herd you singing..........they should be." I replied.

"Hey!" Will playfully smacked me. "You have me at a disadvantage death boy!" I never herd you sing.

"It gonna stay that way!" I said firmly.

"Oh come on!" Will said. He gave me a pleading look.

"No way! Even if you flash those blue eyes at me!" I said firmly.

He laughed. "Challenged excepted! Mark my words death boy....... one of these days your gonna sing a campfire song."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Go right ahead sunshine! No way in Hades I sing some dorky camp fire song!"

Will's face broke into a huge grin. "I got you to eat vegetables! I can do anything!" He said with amusement. He leant over and whispered in my ear, "Besides I got news for you death boy. Your not nearly as scary as you think you are!"

I felt a shiver down my spine. He was so close. I could feel his warm breath as he whispered in my ear. I turned my head slightly. His face was inches from mine. His eyes sparkling with humor. His freckles dancing in the fire light. I forgot where we were. The sound of the campers bad singing was drowned out. There was only Will. His eyes flickered to my lips and then he................

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