Diary of a Saviour

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We sat there in silence. Glaring at the book.
It was two days since we found the book from the attic. With our names and handwriting scrawled in pencil on the first page. Not one of us wanted to open it.

Or speak.

"Aren't you going to open it, Kayla?" Pattie asked to cut the silence short.

"Me?" I shouted with my eyes shaped in two big, round circles and eyeballing Pattie all evil-like. Cole cleared his throat and began,"Well, you were the one who found it and you were the one who opened it.
I agree with Pattie."

I grunted as my mind went blank.
Pattie tilted her head towards the book and gave me a wicked grin. We found this book in the attic and I was supposed to open it.
Just great. Splendid. Kayla, the brave.

I took a sharp intake of air and gushed the air out from my lungs slowly. I inched towards the book and headed for the cover. Without further waste of time, I flipped it open.

'The book is passed down hand to hand, only the saviours shall understand.'  I read aloud as the words faded and vanished from the page.

I screamed and shot the book onto the ground as something slapped onto the floor with the book alongside.
"You should have seen your face," Cole snickered as Pattie and I glared at him.

"Sorry." He muttered.
I crawled over to the book to grab what fell out. My chestnut brown hair fell over my shoulders and I tucked the fistfuls behind my ears. I lifted the book only to find a much smaller book on the ground.

I lifted it to my face and read to Pattie and
Cole loudly and clearly.

"Salina's Diary."

I sat on the bed with Pattie on my left and Cole on my right.

I looked at Cole's freckled face and then to Pattie's shimmering blue eyes.

I opened it and began to read.


If you are reading this, it means you have found the spell book...or it found you.
You can either drop both books back where you found them because this book is bad news...or keep on reading on your own accord.

Be warned to use it with caution or you will end up the way we did.

Yes, we.

My name is Salina and I was one of the saviours of the town you stand and live in today.

The other two were Eva and Avery.
My two best friends in the whole world.
We loved each other to the death but all that changed in a single day.

The day we found the spell book.


I shut the diary and flung it on the bed.
"Kayla, why did you stop reading?" Asked Pattie. All the colour drained from my face as I stared at Pattie and Cole.

"Didn't you read what she wrote? She said their friendship got torn apart in a day.
And it was the day they found the spell book." I explained.

It was also weird that my Grandma's and my ballet teacher's names were in the diary but we were going to get to that later.

"She also said to use it with caution or we'll end up the way they did." Cole mentioned.

"Which is I won't ever let happen." Assured Pattie. My face was still drooping and I was instantaneously sad.

Then, I looked up at Pattie and asked,"Promise?" She smiled and replied,"I promise." I wrapped her with my arms as Cole wrapped us around his. I didn't want that moment to end.

But deep down, I knew every thing was not going to end well.

"Guys, you can let go now!"
They didn't.

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