The Mind Whisperer's Defeat: The Saviour State

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The four of us–Cole, Pattie, Adella and I–cast the time spell again. We'd figured out something to end the Mind Whisperer once and for all.

We held hands and closed our eyes.
When we fluttered them open, we were in the kitchen again.

"Let's find Grandma," I said, "we have to tell them."
"Tell who what?" Lori's voice made us jump.
Her hair was now in a braid.

"Lori," said Pattie, "you look different. It's a hood different, though."
"Who's she?" Lori pointed to Adella.
"She's Adella," Cole answered, "It's a long story."
"Where's Grandma, Lori?" I asked her.
"Oh," Lori said, "She went for a walk into the Harlow Forest with Mom."

Our eyes widened.

That was where we found the portal to Ulmron. That was where Lori came from.
That was where the Mind Whisperer took Cole through.

"Come on!" I yelled. "We have to follow them!"
"Why?" Screeched Lori.
"We'll tell you on the way!" Cole shouted as we began to dash out of the kitchen and out of the house.


The five of us sped into the woods.
We saw Salina and Grandma from afar with Miss Whitaker trucking behind them. The book of monsters was clutched under her armpit.

"Grandma!" I shouted.
They all whipped around, standing dangerously close to the tallest tree that held the portal.

"Hi, Kayla!" She yelled back as we ran towards her.

"Don't go near the portal!" Cole cried. "It's a trick! We found something about the Mind Whis—"


Suddenly, the tree's bark began to crack open like an egg. The bark burst open, conveying the wood into splinters into the air.

"NO!" I shouted.
"You're too late!" Salina cackled. "The reign of the Master has begun!"
"Mom?" Lori was struck.
The mother that she very much wanted to see again, the mother she searched for, was working for the Mind Whisperer.

The network of blue light had shimmered through the hole that blasted open.

"Salina!" Grandma screamed, the strong gale whooshing her hair back and forth, "How could you?"
"How could I?" Salina wheeled around. "How could I, Avery? For forty years, I was trapped in Ulmron, looking for a way out! You didn't help me! You didn't even look for me!"
"We thought you were dead, Salina!" Miss Whitaker yelped. "We thought you had died!"

"Well, you thought wrong!" Salina back–walked towards the portal. "And now," she stopped, "you'll never think again!"

In an instant, a black mist twisted out of the portal, spewing out dust and ash following it.

"Mom!" Lori became furious. "Why are you doing this?"
Salina turned back to her and shouted, "I'm doing this for you, Lorimarena! You won't understand."

We heard a loud hissing noise as the black mist fanned out above us, covering us in a dome of darkness.

"Oh, no," Pattie mumbled.
The black mist swirled up above the trees and warped into the sky. The black, calm night sky now turned red.

Not pink. Not Auburn. Red.

As red as blood.
"It's over," Cole mumbled.
A head was now forming in the sky. Red flashes of lightening was seen under the bed of black clouds.

"Wait!" I snapped, my eyes turning to my watch. It was a bit wet and rickety but I could still see the time. It was twelve midnight.

"It's twelve midnight," I said.
"How will that help?" Lori wiped her eyes.
"The Summer Solstice." Pattie's eyes gleamed. "The Mind Whisperer can still be defeated!"
"You're right!" Miss Whitaker snapped. "How could I have forgotten? It can only be defeated on the Summer Sols—"


It was Adella.
Something was wrapped around her waist, lifting her into the air.

It was a wisp of thick, black mist.
"NO!" I shouted.
I was angry. I was angry that this thing destroyed Ulmron. Angry that it took Cole on his birthday. Angry that it corrupted Salina. Angry that it was taking Adella.

The anger surged through my body and I could feel the heat. It streamed through out my body and reached my fingertips.

I really don't know what happened but with a loud cry, I felt my hand becoming hot. And—

My eyes cracked open and I hurled a bolt of fire towards the Mind Whisperer.
It slammed against him as he screeched, releasing Adella from his grasp.

Adella tumbled in the air, screaming as loud as a siren. Cole caught her.

Pattie's eyes were round circles.
Lori's mouth dropped.
Miss Whitaker smiled.
Grandma shook her head.

I suddenly became weak as I fell into the dry leaves.
"Finally," Lori said, "The Saviour State is here."

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