The Girl On the Hill

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"Oh, my gosh!" Squealed Pattie. "This is amazing! This is dope! This is awesome! This is-"

"-just Magic." I popped her bubble. "We need to find Salina-past Salina, I mean-before anyone notices we're gone."
"You're ri-" Cole was about to say when we heard a loud skkraaaat! sound that was coming from the sky.

Black smoke clouded it and the sky became as black as coal and as dark as a sewer pipe. We saw a large, fiery ball squeeze through a gap of clouds and was cascading down to our direction.

"WAAAHHHH!" Pattie shrieked as she somersaulted out of the way. I grabbed their hands and we began to run as fast as we could.


Another red, hot, fiery ball had crashed into the ground in front of us, sending chunks of itself flying in the air and barely missing us.

"Imagine what would happen if that fireball crushed us!" Cole dazed.
"I'd stop imagining, then!" I screamed as another one bashed behind us.

"Kayla," Pattie almost began to sob, "If I die, will you tell Mr. Cuddly I love him?"
"You're going to tell him yourself because we are not dy-"

I paused because I saw something.
Or rather, someone.

On a footpath of a hill, I could see a figure in the distance. The figure had long, chestnut hair and from squinting my eyes the first six times, I could see it was a girl.

Suddenly, she bolted up the hill.

"Did you see that?" My eyes bugged.
"I don't see anything other than the fireballs trying to kill us!" Screamed Cole as we dashed faster than deer.

"It was girl," I pointed, "and she went up that hill!"
"It could be Salina!" Yelled Pattie.
"After her!" Shouted Cole.

We picked up our legs as more skraaaat! sounds followed us with more sounds like BOOOOOOM! The fireballs left huge ditches in the ground as we  raced past them.

Finally, we reached the footpath of the High Hill.
"There she is!" Cole pointed.
Like a scared lizard, she skidded farther up the hill as we chased her.


A fireball had blasted into the side of the hill, making Pattie teeter off in a fall. I swooped in speed and snatched her hand in the air.

"I've got you!" I yelled.
"Kayla!" Cole screamed. "Watch out!"
Another fireball was headed my way. I tried to pull Pattie before it would hit me.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!" I bellowed as loud as a siren.
In a instant, the fireball-still burning with fury-had  barreled out of the way like it wasn't falling down to us.

Cole's mouth sagged open and I instantly saw why.

It was the girl.

She had her hand outstretched to the fireball and her eyes narrowed while she tossed it over the hill and it crashed into the ground, rattling the whole place.

I dragged Pattie up and we all watched the girl.
She suddenly fell to the floor with a thud.

"Are you okay?" I blared, cupping her head in my hands. Her face was drained and pale like as if someone sprinkled powder onto it. She fluttered open her eyelids and revealed two, shimmering indigo eyes.

"How did she do that?" Cole asked.
The girl let out a wheezing cough.
"Thank goodness, you're alive!" A knot of worry untangled in my stomach.

"What's your name?" Pattie asked abruptly.
The girl looked up at us, gasped for some air and spoke.

"Adella," She said. "My. Name. Is. Adella."

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