/4/ Emma gets drunk

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Hello people! I have finally updated my book! Your welcome. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Percy POV

Turns out "Lewis" was a boy, he was this nerdy looking blond dude.

"What are you doing here!" Emma asked again.

"I came her to help you with the..... thing," wow, so descriptive.

" Thing?" This was getting weird, first windows are completely covered then a boy shows up to help with a thing.

"Lewis was going to help with a project that I was doing, my Dad wasn't letting him come to our house so I invited him here sorry Emma, hope you don't mind," Cleo went up to Lewis and stood next to him.

"Right, the project, we'll be in the dinning room," yep, definitely weird.

"So, what's the project for," I asked, what? I need to know!

"It's for.... school," school hasn't started yet Cleo.

"School starts in about three weeks," I stated, I should know, I did my research *cough* asked Annabeth *cough* I need to know when my freedom ends!

" it's a project for extra credit, we do it most years," Lewis quickly answered.

Rikki looked at them, "Nerds." I totally agree with her, I mean who wants to do more work then necessary, extra credit work is basically extra work because that's what it is and I hate it when they make me do extra credit because it means less time that I get to spend time with my fish friends and land friends, dam you ADHD.

"Ya, if I remember right Emma's Mom said no boys," I turned to Emma "fifty dollars or what ever the currency is here and your Mom doesn't hear about this," I mentally  laughed at her expression."

"What! I didn't even invite him here and," I let Emma rant for about twenty more seconds.

"I'm joking, I don't really mind, but I don't know about either of you but with or without Cleo I still want to watch that movie," both Rikki and Emma agreed.

We where about to finish a one hour movies before Lewis finally left, Cleo came in just as the second movie ended.

"You came at the best part, so what was the project about," Cleo rolled her eyes at the first part.

"Um, the moon," her answer sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Where y'all really doing the "project''?" Rikki asked putting air quotes on project and wiggled her eyebrows at her.

Cleo blushed " Of course we where doing the project."

"Was there something I missed," I asked.

"Cleo and Lewis are dating," Emma answered.

That makes so much more sense.

"Y'all don't mind watching another movie right?" Cleo basically pleaded.

"Well, we where planning on going to bed..." Emma started, Cleo face fell.

"But I guess watching one more won't hurt," Rikki ended Cleo smiles and sat next to Emma.

"We're out of popcorn, you guys choose one while I'll make some more," I stood up and went to the kitchen.

And thats when everything went down, literally, I fell, the cardboard covering the windows fell, the popcorn bag on the counter fell and a cup, all because I tripped on a stupid rag on the floor.

The bag and cup because of me flailing and then I tried to stop myself with the window and failed miserably, let's just say Emma's kitchen floor is not soft.

"Sorry guys, I'll put it back up," "tell us when you do," Rikki's voice was muffled.

I turned to look at them and, Cleo and Rikki where under a blanket (and I swear to you dirty minded people they had there own blanket)Emma was staring outside the window.

The full moon was outside and casting an eerie glow in the kitchen, most likely because the lights where turned of.

After I covered the windows up again I started making the popcorn.

Emma started giggling, "There popping," what? I looked at her weird.

"I want to go for a swim," Emma stood up suddenly, Rikki quickly stood up, "I think we should go to sleep now," she said.

"But the I just finished with the popcorn, and aren't y'all afraid of water," I whined.

Emma started giggling and talking nonsense.

"Did someone spike her drink or something? Or are y'all pranking me?" I was started to get really creeped out.

"She's just really tired, we'll get her to bed," Cleo and Rikki quickly lead her upstairs to her room leaving me downstairs to eat all the popcorn.

Not that I'm complaining but that was extremely weird and I've seen a lot of weird things in my lifetime and now I'm making myself sound old.

And that is the end of this chapter!

Question time just for fun: What was the first thing Grover said in the book?

I'll say the answer next chapter and shout out the first person who answers right, anyway on a different note I'll try  to update mor constantly now that I can get my hands on a device more often 

Peace out


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