/1/ Mom and Paul seriously want me to die

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Hello my readers, this is the first chapter of this book! That last sentence seemed pretty obvious but anyway, this chapter contains no swear words unless you consider a river from the underworld offensive and the word "curse words", why would you I dunno. And if you read the title Sally and Paul want Percy to die. Don't forget to comment and vote, following would also be appreciated and dam I sound like a YouTuber, enjoy the chapter.... 

Percy POV

The Giant war is over, Leo is probably dead but we can't be for sure because Death Breath said he couldn't find him in the underworld. The Gods tried to give us, the seven or whats left of it, a gift but we refused until Leo was found or we where 200% sure that he was dead.

 Mom was pregnant and she and Paul agreed that they wanted to move somewhere were the baby would be safe, somewhere away from the Gods, away from the Greek world. We were going to Australia until my little sister (yes, it's a girl) was born and she turned one, what was the point? Don't ask me cause I got absolutely no idea.

 Then we could move back to Manhattan because of Camp Half Blood, my second home, o and the fact that all my friends were there helped to. 

We were going to be staying at Pauls sister's house her name was Lisa her husband was Neil Gilbert, I wonder if his mom had a crush on Neil Armstrong so she named her son Neil, or maybe it's just a common name in Australia, I'll have to ask him. They had a daughter and a son, I think there names where Emma and Elliot Gilbert, I wonder if they where technically my cousins because my mom was married to Paul or if they where just normal people that I have no relation to who happened to be the niece and nephew of my stepdad, man I'm getting a headache.

Also, we're flying to Australia.


I begged Mom and Paul if we could just take a boat or something, they said no, I asked if I could swim there and use my awesome powers and go really fast to keep up with the plane, they said no.

So know here I was after saying goodbye to friends and writing who I wanted to keep what, Riptide goes to Jason, all the romance novels that Aphrodite gave me that I never read go to Piper, my room goes to my baby sister that hasn't been born yet, all the plastic and the paper that I own go to Grover (sorry man I don't own any tin cans) all the dusty books that I never touched that my Mom put in my room except for the romance novels go to Annabeth, Frank gets the new panda pillow pet that I got last week (lets hope Zeus spares him though since I have him with me right know) if not he'll get the other pillow pets I have like the bear one that I left in my room in the apartment, Hazel gets the little jewelry box that has like 2 rings, 1 necklace and like 2 pair of earrings, Nico can have all the black things and the Minotaur horn, and when they find Leo he can have the monster proof phone that he made the seven before... disappearing, I was at the airport, on my knees not caring about the weird and concerned looks that I was getting from people passing by praying my soul out that Zeus would spare me.

"Please don't kill me o great Zeus god of lightning and sky things, please be having a good day or to busy just staring at mortals to notice the beautiful, awesome, sassy sea fish in the air, please with a blue cookie dipped in blue whatever-you-like-dipping-your-cookies-in". 

"Percy calm down," Mom was staring at me with a frown on her face, " your not going to die, it'll just be an 8 hour flight." 

Calm down? CALM DOWN? I was about to turn into a roasted Percy a little bit burned on the edges and they wanted me to CALM DOWN, and just and 8 hour flight? 8 HOUR FLIGHT! How was that supposed to make me feel better? I mean only 8 HOURS that Zeus can easily blast me out of the air, also the ADHD wouldn't help at all, it'll feel more like a 1 year flight.

Getting the "Blessing" of the sea (Fem Percy Jackson/H2O just add water)Where stories live. Discover now